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Press Release from the GCSO: On the 225th anniversary of the signing of our Constitution, the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers’ Association (CSPOA) had its second national convention at the South Pointe Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada. More than 150 Sheriffs, Peace Officers, Deputies, County Commissioners, State Legislators, and Judges from 27 different states gathered on September 17th to “double down” on their commitment “To Serve and Protect; To Uphold and Defend,” which is the CSPOA motto. The message of this convention was a simple one: Put liberty and the Constitution first, keep your oath, and defend the rights of every citizen.

An incredible collection of nearly 20 Sheriffs, Lawyers, County Commissioners, and Constitutional Scholars from across the country gave presentations that inspired and empowered the attendees by answering questions such as, “Who is it locally who actually has the duty to enforce State Sovereignty and local autonomy? Who has the ultimate responsibility to protect citizens from an out-of-control government? How did it ever happen that policies of Washington D.C. bureaucracies supersede the Constitution and the Bill of Rights?”

The convention was highlighted by an Awards Banquet with Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Arizona as the keynote speaker. Arpaio received the CSPOA Lifetime Achievement Award. Over a dozen of the other Sheriffs in attendance also shared real-life experiences from their own jurisdictions, each showing how they are battling against many such distortions of our history and Constitutions in an effort to push back against encroaching Federal agencies.

Gilmer County Sheriff Stacy Nicholson, along with Pickens County’s Sheriff Donnie Craig, were the only two Sheriffs from Georgia in attendance. Sheriff Nicholson is pictured with Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio and former Arizona Sheriff Richard Mack, Founder of CSPOA and organizer of this event. Sheriff Nicholson’s attendance was encouraged and funded from donations from members of the Tea Party of Gilmer County. Nicholson is also shown at a recent Tea Party luncheon giving members an account of his trip.

Sheriff Nicholson stated, “I appreciate the encouragement and financial assistance from the Gilmer Tea Party enabling me to attend this conference. It was one of the most eye-opening and informative trainings I have ever attended. All across the Nation, there are cases where Sheriffs have stood up for their citizens against ‘over the top’ abuses of constitutional rights by certain federal agencies. I am glad I was able to attend.”

For more information, visit

Sheriff Nicholson speaking to the Tea Party giving an account of his trip.

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