Daily Prayer: 07/25


“There is no wisdom, no insight, no plan that can succeed against the Lord. The horse is made ready for the day of battle, but victory rests with the Lord.” Proverbs 21:30-31.

O God, man has always wanted to be you. To be ruler of our destiny, captain of our souls, judge of our own morals, creator of our own religion – if we can accomplish these things we can rule you out of our lives. We can become our own god and live life the way we desire. But we are not capable of determining our destiny even though we think we can by playing god. All that man’s wisdom can do, all that intelligence can explain, all that we can plan – cannot succeed against the way that you have designed life to be. We can prepare our arsenal of weapons, but you win every time against our arguments.

Help us to humble ourselves before you this day in acknowledgement that you have created us and breathed into us the very breath of life that sustains us. This life will end one day and only those who know you will be gifted with eternal life with you. In that time when Jesus will be exalted, we will sing his praises.


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