A Bridge to Somewhere

Build an Ark, Featured Stories

Love can Build a Bridge – Build an Ark, Build a Barn and Build a Bridge

Fetchyournews.com has had the privilege of following the progression of the New York Says Thank You 2011 “Barn Raising” project in Ellijay, GA. Recently FYN reports, Brian K. Pritchard had an opportunity to talk with Jim Fox, “volunteer extraordinaire” about Jim’s experience with this wonderful project. Jim explains the impact his involvement has had on him and the community.
The NYSTY foundation along with many local volunteers had a turnout of approx 1000 people or more for a “barn raising” project to rebuild a barn for Susan Littlejohn and her Build an Ark Animal Rescue in Ellijay, GA. Most of the “traveling” volunteers were on site until the end of July and many wondered how it would progress come August 1st! Jim first heard about the project from Rick and Lucy Harris as they called to share the news. Rick and Lucy are the proud parents of 1st Lt. Noah Harris and the whole week-end was dedicated in Noah’s honor as a memory to his “I do what I can” philosophy.

Jim told FYN that “I was stunned by the numbers we had” and “it was expected it would take months and months to get this done.” Not only did the buildings pass inspection but Jim proudly explains some special add on projects that are coming to completion. One such project is a bridge that was built in the Amphitheatre area. Jim told us “it was a personal thing for me to build a bridge; I had built one years ago with my father-in-law before he passed.”

Jim views the bridge as a visual of bridging 9/11 to 9/12 and from the old to the new. New York Says Thank You Founder, Jeff Parness, expressed the same sentiment during initial visits that the project is really about 9/12 and a community pulling together. Having a vision that the Amphitheatre had potential for a wedding venue, prom photos, and more, Jim presented a detailed drawing of the “Bridge to Somewhere” which was immediately met with approval. Adding to the wonderful involvement Jim has had with Build an Ark we are excited to know Jim is also the new Business Director for Build an Ark Animal Rescue.

Jim Fox speaks humbly and focuses on everyone else but it is clear that Jim is a great leader. Being on the scene with the pre-team he jokingly tells us he was the interpreter “Yankee to Rebel!” Jim thoroughly enjoyed being part of a team from all over and has special memories of the North since he was born and raised for the first 15 years of his life there. Mostly he, much like the rest of us, was overwhelmed with the outpouring of goodwill. He shared, “you have people you have never seen before that treats you like a brother” and “something good brought them here!”

FYN discusses with Jim how exciting the whole project has been, and how much we enjoyed having our area in the spotlight. The reaction from our community accurately represents the “Be an Actionist” campaign by AOL and as Brian says “it has inspired people to be a better part of their community!” The outpouring from so many in the community was amazing. Jim mentions Appalachian Supply (Keith Nunn), Lowe’s and Shane’s Rib Shack. (Only a few) He recently was treated to lunch at Shane’s and didn’t even realize they knew who he was – and was stunned when he ordered lunch and was told “your money is no good here!”

New York Says Thank You ignited a sense of community and “pay it forward” attitude in our community that has brought so much goodwill and sense of volunteerism that will long continue. The spirit of America is alive and well in Ellijay, GA and Build an Ark plans to celebrate the outpouring of love they received by a special Day of Remembering!

Build an Ark will host an open house at 2pm on September the 11th with a pot luck, a band, and a gathering to acknowledge the memory of the tragedy that will never be forgotten. But more than that – they will celebrate the good that came forth on 9/12 as Americans continue to reach out in all circumstances to love each other through life! It is extremely special to know that while they are gathered in Ellijay, GA another group, New York Says Thank You will be in Joplin, MO bringing Stars of Hope and putting the final stitches in our Glorious 9/11 American Flag!

Jim Fox interview at Build an Ark – A Bridge to Somewhere from Fetch on Vimeo.

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