Daily Prayer: January 18, 2015


Exodus 15:23,27 “When they came to Marah…the waters…were bitter… And they came to Elim, where were twelve wells of water.”
O God Almighty, You who do have authority over life and death and over sweet and bitter, we believe that our lives are in Your hands. Even when the waters are bitter, you do know where they are sweet and are able to lead us there. Remind us, Our Father, that all waters are not bitter and that close by are wells of living water that are sweet to the soul.

If life has led this person who reads these thoughts to Marah, where things are bitter, may this one have faith enough to continue to Elim, where there is an abundance of sweetness.

We thank You for these contrasts of life and for the assurance that a brighter day will come if we will endure to the end. Our prayer is in the name of Jesus who can brighten even the darkest day.


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