Sheriff Nicholson Speaks to Georgia’s Newly Elected Sheriffs

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On November 29, 2012, Gilmer County Sheriff Stacy Nicholson was one of 13 “veteran” Sheriffs who was asked to speak to Georgia’s 43 newly elected Sheriffs who will take office on January 1, 2013.On November 29, 2012, Gilmer County Sheriff Stacy Nicholson was one of 13 “veteran” Sheriffs who was asked to speak to Georgia’s 43 newly elected Sheriffs who will take office on January 1, 2013. The Sheriffs were asked to give three critical tasks for a successful transition to taking office as Sheriff in their respective counties. Sheriff Nicholson, along with the other 12 Georgia Sheriffs, spent the entire day with the newly elected Sheriffs, breaking off into groups in the afternoon of common departmental sizes and mentoring them. Sheriff Nicholson stated that he considered it a great honor to be requested by the Georgia Sheriffs’ Association considering the caliber of Sheriffs that were also in attendance.

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