Blacks With Guns


Opinion by George McClellan:In the news today we learn that gun purchases by America’s black citizens, in support of gun ownership for self-protection, is skyrocketing. Somehow I do not feel threatened by this phenomena. The blacks that would threaten me, i.e.: the uneducated, unemployable, inner-city, urban creatures that refuse to believe they have not been enslaved by the democrat party to stay as inner-city, uneducated, unemployable urban creatures, already have guns.

Mostly, it’s their own black neighbors who fall victim to their depravations who are threatened, hence the rapid rise in black gun ownership. Rarely reported by the commentariat (MSM), is the fact that the membership rolls of many Tea Party groups throughout the United States have a growing population of concerned blacks joining their memberships. Groups like K. Carl Smiths, Frederick Douglas Republican’s, are performing a signal service in pushing the conversion of blacks into political conservatives. Note, I did not specify Republicans, as they presently exists, because they are cling to ‘Big Government’. They are simply not conservative!

I suspect that once having taken the chance, blacks now feel free to break away from the smothering decades of Democrat party “New-Speak” propaganda and are listening to the words of Constitutional experts who remain focused on the American dream and what makes that dream work. These lessons are being learned at Tea Party gatherings. When blacks come to accept that the 2nd Amendment is as applicable to them as it is to every other citizen, then the light dawns and they are realizing that they do not have to remain victims simply because they are black and, more specifically, to other blacks.

There is a dangerous propagandistic idea now being slipped into the message: that the newly arming blacks are doing so to fight racist white police. The radical left pushes the idea to try to convince blacks they are still victims and as a group will always be victimized by white police. That’s nonsense of course but the concept is right out of Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals.

Alinsky, whose goal was to turn America into a Communist State, said “Marxism begins with a prime truth, that all evil begins with the mass exploitation of the masses”. For America this started with LBJ’s Great Society which was quickly infiltrated by Alinskites, to suck Federal grants out of his Great Society programs in order to foment the very chaos that is being visited upon us today. At the moment, Obama is C-in-C of the mass exploitation of the masses, in reverse of course. Obama and both Clinton’s sat at the feet of Saul Alinsky.

Consider what they have wrought: A racially divided America, an America awash with pornography and sexually deviation, an America without morals, a victimized America, a weak America, a politically corrupt America and an America under constant, daily siege by already failed socio-fascist programs that truly do enslave a population. A good example right now is the Gay Gestapo attacking the 1st Amendment. No matter how you choose to view it, the Freedom of Religion bills are still protected by the 1st Amendment.

I applaud blacks for arming themselves. This is their last opportunity, their only hope, if they ever expect to participate in the American Dream long denied them because of who they were. Many are now realizing that nobody, no Republican government, and especially not Obama the destroyer, is going to give to them the original version of the American Dream. Blacks now must stand, not apart, but with the rest of us who are losing the American Dream if they expect to ever realized their potential of achieving that dream. Obama is not the way, he’s in the way. Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em! (6 April 2015)

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