Here Comes Hillary…


Opinion by George McClellan:Yesterday was full of surprises. Well, maybe not. In any event, one wonders why the elderly lady from Arkansas chose to launched her presidential campaign just when the fourth round of the most significant Masters Golf Tournament ever, was underway? Who thought that up?

Actually, I didn’t hear Hillary’s announcement until early this morning on Bill Bennet’s Morning in America Show, not that I was breathlessly hanging on to every waiting minute before she decided to publish on a social media site. No way was I switching from the Masters just to watch this old lady make her expected announcement. By this morning all the talk show hosts had plenty of time to dissect, digest and eviscerate her announcements anyway.

But things are to be learned even at this late date, as to how Mdm Hillary will pursue her campaign. First, she will avoid at all cost, her role in the Obama administrations foreign policy fiasco’s. I cannot imagine how she can answer the questions: Why do you want to be President? or, name one achievement of your political career! Of course those two questions, already asked, if answered honestly, are killers to her continued advancement but bet on the “commentariat” for not even going there. Those questions won’t even be asked again.

Hillary stated “Isn’t it time that the United States of America have a woman President?” Well, yes maybe, but not Hillary! She’s old news. She’s from a different generation and if what we saw at the Masters is any clue, it’s time for new, fresh faces, with new ideas, constitutional concepts, obeying the rule of law. How about Connie Rice or Carly Fiorina, Hernandez of New Mexico or Haley from So. Carolina. If it’s a women we want, there are plenty of good choices. Besides, what difference does it make?

Hillary is going to focus on cultural issues but, to whom is she appealing? Right now, a majority of voters are not really American’s. In her announcement she twanged the heart strings of a young mother waiting to go back to work, a couple of non-English speaking latinos wanting to start a business, a gay blade who wants to marry his lover without moral or social guilt.

Who didn’t we hear from? We didn’t hear from the white worker who lost his job, probably his house, his once affordable health insurance, any savings he may have accumulated for his children’s education or his retirement. We didn’t hear from the real American’s.

Hillary does have a dark history and she will do anything to obfuscate it. In her early years she was a minor lawyer on the Nixon Watergate committee. She was fired from that job because she was an unethical liar. Then she had the Rose Law Firm issues the Whitewater scandal, the White House travel office firings, the questionable death of her attorney, Vince Foster, her stupid “reset” button with the Russians and the murders at Benghazi. How about all the muslim funds pouring into the Clinton Foundation coffers. All these issues and more, should be within the public domain and Hillary should be required to address them.

Hillary is running for President. She cannot be permitted to hide from the tough questions simply because she’s a woman. She’s an old woman, tired and worn out. She’s doesn’t belong here simply because she was a First Lady, an undistinguished Senator or a disastrous Secretary of State. Make no mistake, Hillary is an insider, a favorite of the 1% of “the funders” she dissed.

Don’t miss the fact too, that the 1% er’s also will accept Jeb Bush, as an either/or situation. Both are statists with well developed ties to the entrenched, choking apparatus of big government. America cannot afford dynasty’s, neither the laughable Clinton’s or the hokey Bushes.

Remember, freedom is the goal, the constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em! (13 April 2015)

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