White Symbolisms Under Attack


Opinion by George McClellan:“Black American’s should stop forgiving white Americans”. So said a black female university professor, Dr. Ashwini Tambe, associate professor in the Department of Women’s Studies at the University of Maryland, complaining that the concept of white privilege should be attacked and destroyed. This comes in the wake of the Charleston murders of the nine black church members by a white nut case. To the non-contributing, ignorant blacks of Liberalism’s indentured society of grifters and moochers, white culture, achievements and history stands as the root cause for their miserable plight. They have not been taught all of America’s history, only the worst of it.

The left has quickly seized on the Charleston crime as their excuse to attack and neutralize white privilege, especially its Southern culture, by removing, in a fit of emotional activism, all symbols of the Confederacy. Southern politicians and commercial establishments, so quickly caving on the Battle Flag issue, have opened the doors to a rush to eliminate all of the symbols of the Souths white culture. This will include statues of Confederate war hero’s, Confederate grave stones and now, even, because he owned slaves, all traces of Thomas Jefferson’s especially his memorial in Washington DC. The attack will be relentless.

Here’s what you can expect: to find your car vandalized if you dare display a Confederate decal on a window or bumper. The left’s craziness will extend to other symbols of white importance like the “Don’t Tread On Me” flag,the US Flag, political signs and decals that favor conservative politicians and even further assaults on their real enemy, the Christian church. Weak politicians will continue to cave to the threats of violence and civil disobedience instead of alerting their police forces to confront and protect our historic sites and monuments.

Watch for leftist demands that states, cities and towns should move at once to change street and park names from Confederate Generals to African activists or nutty women socialists. Statues commemorating Confederate military hero’s would definitely have to go.

Here’s a good laugh for you. Imagine a bronze statue of Ga. Rep. Hank Johnson, (D-DeKalb Co.) mounted in a park, balancing the Island of Guam on his upward pointing finger, a la, Harlem Globe Trotters with a basketball, so it won’t capsize with the addition of a Brigade of US Marines stationed there. I think you get the point. Don’t forget the pigeons either.

How long is this going to continue? The answer, of course, is so long as we let them. Nobody fights back. As soon as we raise a voice, screams of “racist, racist” rain down as proof that they were right and we (whites) are indeed racists. So be it! Their desperation is apparent.

Instead of continuing to allow them to attack conservatives trying to save America, the Tea Party’s should be constantly attacking evil, wicked, groups like Southern Poverty Law Center and the other organs of progressivism now embedded in our body politic.

Neither can we can expect any leadership from the GOP big business cartel. At the moment they are busy alienating the conservative base they so desperately need by purging the real Constitutional representatives we sent up from their committee chairmanships to punish them for doing what we sent them there to do. That message is not lost out here.

Unless conservatives can remove the rot that is the GOP’s leadership, little will change, their programs of self-aggrandizement will continue and all, eventually will be lost. Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go aggrandize someone! (24 June 2015)

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