Screwed Again


Opinion by George McClellan:The Supreme Court has clearly thrown its weight behind the Progressives inevitable march to a Socialist utopia for America and Americans. Chief Judas John Roberts wrote the courts twisted opinion, siding with the majority in their mistaken re-interpretation of the Law saying ”that “Congress passed the Affordable Care Act to improve health insurance markets, not to destroy them”, when all evidence is absolutely to the contrary. If you need to be reassured, reacquaint yourselves with the statements of Dr. Jonathan Gruber. Adherence to the rule of law has been abandoned to Leftists rethink. Our Democracy has now passed into despotism.

Lest we forget, not one Republican in that wicked Congress five years ago voted for Obama’s Unaffordable No Care Act. Not one! But, even before the courts decision we have heard the GOP leadership whine about tinkering with the Unaffordable No Care Act instead of out right repealing by replacing it with a Republican free market plan. That’s what Republicanism was supposed to be all about, wasn’t it?

The GOP has since boldly claimed they will repeal the Act. Fat chance there. The GOP wants to tinker with that expensive, awful job killing law now enshrined as a fait accompli, and we will be told “It’s the law so, get used to it” What should the GOP do? Should they remove their fingerprints from any attempts at corrections and simply allow that odious law to collapse of its own implanted failures as it surely will, or should they be allowed to tinker with it in hopes of earning the votes of unworthy beneficiaries, the illegal immigrants?

Obama’s little victory speech following the courts decision was, as usual, one lie after another cobbled together in a soothing soundbite to assuage the great unwashed that their enslavement is complete and they should be happy while the collective parasites and gorging bottom feeders cheered and shouted over their great legal victory.

But, alas, we’ve been screwed by the GOP leadership so many times before. Don’t hold your breath about any changes coming from our majority GOP Congress. The GOP’s big business cartel will now view the potential thousands of uninsured voters, if Obamacare is repealed, as hostile voters to their remaining in power. We have now become, officially, the USSA.

One Republican presidential candidate, Ted Cruz, has unequivocally stated that as President he would repeal every word of Obamacare. Governor Scott Walker has had a competing plan ready for awhile. If we’re serious, then it remains our duty to take them at their word.

Sen. Ted Cruz, based upon his anti-Obamacare position, now elevates himself into the top tier of Republican candidates for president. Scott Walker is already there. Now watch for the internecine warfare that the elites in the GOP establishment will launch against Cruz, no favorite of majority leader McConnell, and Governor Walker. The GOP Elites cling to the belief that only their moderate candidate can win over Hillary.

But, we Conservatives have a wealth of candidates to choose from. More of them need to commit to repealing and replacing Obamacare. Any one that doesn’t will get short shrift from the voters I know. America cannot afford a non functioning GOP filled with non functioning career politicians. Serious adjustments have to be made. I hope Johnny’s listening!

Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em and make ‘em pay!

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