Updated with Highlight Video: Gilmer Hosts ETC Summer Baseball Invitational

Team FYN Sports

The Gilmer Bobcats all-star team went 1-1 on June 10th as they hosted this year’s ETC Summer Baseball Invitational. Class of 2011 Gilmer High School Salutatorian Sawyer Pettit and his father assisted ETC as they made the starting pitch before the Gilmer vs. Pickens match.
Pickens was first to bat and make the first hit of the night, but that didn’t stop Gilmer from showing Pickens how to play ball. Each team made many hits but no one scored until the fourth inning while Gilmer is up to bat. Ashton Grimes, Cade Evans, Corbin Singleton, and Landon Siniard make runs to home plate, scoring the first points of the game. Jacob Kirchoff of Pickens makes a homerun in the fifth inning, and the Bobcats made sure that the Dragons would score no more against them. Isaiah Welch, David Smith, Austin Daman, Evans and Singleton fill the bases and receive five more runs in the final inning. The Bobcats win against the Dragons with a final score of 9-1.

Isaiah Welch takes off for third
(Photo by LT Melton)

The Fannin game was a different story for the Bobcats, as the Rebels wasted no time in scoring three homeruns in the first inning. Gilmer had two more points scored against them before loading the bases in the final inning. Ashton Grimes scores the first point of the game, and the boys on bases are ready to run home. Unfortunately, Fannin gets the batters out, and the game is ended with a score of 5-1.

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Gilmer All-Stars Host ETC “Summer Slam” Invitational from Fetch on Vimeo.

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