Toward Understanding God’s Law


In my devotional reading recently, I read these verses:

Psalm 119:45 “I will walk in freedom, for I have devoted myself to your commandments“.

Psalm 119:135 “Look upon me with love; teach me your decrees“.

It always interests me to listen to Christians talking about God’s law. I hear about how we have been delivered from it, how we should not be under it, how it has been done away with and is no longer valid. But I can’t recall recently hearing anyone talk about being freed by it.
Other people talk about how God uses the law to judge us, how we must but cannot measure up to its impossible standards, how it must drive us to despair, or leave us hopeless. But I don’t hear folks talking about God’s law showing the love or kindness of God.

I’m sure you will agree that when we study Bible truths, we must be careful not to pick and choose our texts in order to support our preconceived notions. We must embrace all that the Bible teaches and conform our thinking to the Scriptures; we must not attempt to interpret Scripture to comply with our ideas. As we study and learn more of God’s Word, our thinking – if we are thinking right – should be more and more in line with God’s Word and God’s ways.

I could probably quote enough Bible verses to intellectually convince you that biblical writers saw God’s law as a good thing, and we could have an interesting conversation about the purpose of the law. But rather than attempt to persuade you, allow me to simply challenge you to some personal reflection and examination.

Allow me to cite two more verses, and then ask two questions:

In Matthew 5:18 Jesus said: “I tell you the truth… not even the smallest detail of God’s law will disappear until its purpose is achieved.”

In 1 Timothy 1:8 Paul said flatly: “We know that the law is good when used correctly.”

Now, two questions:

Do you (and do I) believe – really believe – that God’s law is good; and good for us?

Do you (and do I) understand God’s law as a source of freedom and a demonstration of God’s love to you and to me?
Let me suggest that God’s law is divine guidance about how we can best live meaningful and productive lives. He gave us His law because He loves us, and because He desires the best for each of us.
Won’t you join me in this prayer: “Look upon me with love; teach me your decrees“. (Psalm 119:135)

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