Short Takes – American’s, Starved For Decency


American’s, Starved For Decency

“Live and let live” was once a cherished but un-codified phrase that kept us from punching each other’s headlights out over minor disagreements on any number of subjects. It has been swept away by the political philosophy of socialism that demands complete control over everything, the rule of laws be damned. At the local level it’s best seen in the rising incidents of road rage.

Democrats calling for “resistance” have shed all pretense of civility to “live and let live.” It’s to be their way or no way. A year and a half out, they still haven’t grasped the truth that they are no longer in charge of the federal government. All that’s left for them is to yap and snip at the heels of the real leader we now have in Donald Trump, and his supporters.

The politeness scenario that once guided our debates, has been swept away by hysterical

Democrats desperate to retain any claim on power. Three successive national elections have left Democrats stunned. Searching for other methods of maintaining relevance and with no more arguments left in their playbook except “Stop Trump”, they have turned to their chapter on anarchy and are actively encouraging attacks on conservatives through intimidating, in your face name calling, screaming spittle frothing epitaphs and character defamation screeds. When democrats wielded power they used the Dept. of Justice and the now corrupted FBI, not to mention the IRS, to eliminate their opponents. For Democrats, civility is gone, lies are commonplace and to ignore all ideas other than their Marxist scribblings, is expected.  

That simple phrase, “live and let live,” encompassed principles that, along with an understanding of the ten commandments, guided us as citizens to live together in peace and harmony and accept the differences. We went together to the 4th of July parades and picnics, the evening fireworks, Veterans day events and all the pro-American programs that reflected American’s pride, and we did it without fighting one another. Americans are starved for decency.

The Socialist theories of economic control, that has taken over the whole of the Democrat Party, and has infiltrated GOP ranks, might explain why Republicans have long been accused of not fighting back, but going along to get along with the Socialists to the point of even agreeing that what the Democrat-Socialist party wanted was really good for America.

Our streets are on fire and it’s the Democrats doing. Alarmed American’s quickly organized under the Tea Party banner to figure out a way to do what the Republican weren’t doing, fighting back. But, Tea Party members didn’t run around attacking Democrats, destroying property or stealing campaign signs from supporters yards, or defacing bumper stickers.

When Republicans controlled only the House of Representatives, and the Tea Party was clearly considered a dissident group in danger of actually damaging the “Deep State”, liberal politicians, MSM journalists and “Moderate Republicans,” saw no need to be civil toward the Tea Partiers and the stage was set for where we are today, both parties in disarray, as they should be, and little can be done to remedy it. Nothing heals faster than open wounds, properly treated.

“Demands for civility almost always come from people who lost their own right to the respect they expect. The last resort of someone who has run out of good moral arguments is lies, innuendoes, falsehoods and now, resistance. Democrats have lost the stage on which to act out their identity as politicians and have turned into the anarchists they now are. They’re desperate  Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em! (28Jun18)

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