Short Takes – What is American Culture?
Opinion August 10, 2018What is American Culture?
The once great American political party known as the Democrat party, has been replaced from within by an ethically diverse mishmash of political activists brought up, raised and trained in Marxism by America’s colleges and universities, long since factory’s of political correctness, anti-Americanism and socialism with the sole purpose of destroying America’s founding culture that has sustained us for over 250 years. Today, we see what damage they have done.
American culture encompasses the whole of the history of the discovery, exploration, conflicts and growth of America from the Pilgrims landing at Plymouth Rock to this very minute. This long process, started by Europeans, (whites) saw the introduction of social theories promoting personal liberty and civil rights, economic development and even classical literature that praised the social experiments of prior civilizations like Greece and Rome and embraced and learned from their discoveries. Most important of all was the introduction of universal education of the masses, a social concept first introduced in Scotland, so every child could read and know the scriptures. That opened the flood gates of knowledge and discovery.
Society developed with the movement from agriculture to industry. It was so rapid that the need for energy, from firewood to coal and then oil, outpaced the ability of humans to produce it resulting in the need of vast pools of labor. So great was the need that even children, let alone slaves, were thrown into the maw of the labor force and worked in such squalid conditions, coal mines for example, that a whole new industry of empathy was developed bringing to us the consciousness of the social evils of child labor and poverty that needed to be ended.
Laws lifting the burden of manual labor on children and returning them to the school desk for education and enlightenment, was another positive change. Labor unions developed to protect the rights of workers which themselves, were not without conflicts and differences of opinion.
A great civil war ensued that ended the odious practice of slavery. America was facing new challenging social issues and how to solve them. Not all problems are solvable by mere edict and can only be worked around the edges, like what to do with emancipated former slaves? Could their culture be absorbed into the American culture, one that was forged in the fires of revolutionary conflict? Were our social norms that are now locked in our very souls, not worth saving? They are the basis of America’s exceptionalism. What could replace them?
The African race has provided bright and intelligent new thinkers like Fredrick Douglas of the 1800’s, Martin Luther King Jr. of the 1960’s and even Herman Cain of today who have emerged to make effective marks on Americas culture and, while elements of racism existed from the beginning and still exists today and will continue to exist tomorrow, the roll of successful Black Americans in America’s history cannot be ignored. That was sealed with the Freedom March in Selma, Alabama, Martin Luther King’s famous “I have a dream” speech and his assassination.
Today, the Democrats have launched their version of fascism’s “Black Shirts” the hooded and masked “anti-facist’s” thugs, who are the very epitome of fascists, in attacks against our police on the streets, conservatives in restaurants and children wearing MAGA hats. The media is corrupted and complicit in the pursuit of America’s destruction. They participate willingly in obfuscating the truth, lying and praising socialism while diverting our attention with breathless, silly news items of absolutely no consequence while America burns, all designed to destroy the flower of Western Civilization. We must be prepared and help Trump vanquish the Left.
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em’n (09Aug18)
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