The Storm Petrels


Opinion by George McClellan:

Eric Cantor was the first casualty. The GOP didn’t see it coming. While Cantor was not evanesced his sudden departure rocked the political world. But, like the Storm Petrels birds who warn of impending storms, the message was basically ignored or politically spun. A storm is indeed coming and the GOP ruling conniving political class doesn’t see it coming. In any event Eric Cantor was unceremoniously booted out.

Now comes John Boehner who, in effect by choice, finally capitulated to the growing animosity toward his failed leadership. That Boehner is, was, or may be an alcoholic is immaterial. Alcoholics are all around us even more than a few democrats. But Boehner’s problem, long recognized by the party’s conservative base was that he had no conservative principles to embrace except to maintain his position as Speaker.

In the past two election cycles voters sent scads of conservative representatives to Washington on a GOP promise of “just give us the House (we did), and later, the Senate (we did), and we will… (fill in the blank). But, in reality it was a business as usual plan to retain the corrupting financial influences of elite career politicians of both parties.

An unanticipated by-product of those two elections was the elimination of the GOP’s only ally to continue the business as usual scheme, the “Yellow Dog” Democrats. There no longer exists a group of democrats with whom the GOP can compromise. Mind you, it’s the GOP that is always accused of not compromising, never the democrats, but now, only Obama and his Progressives (Marxists) remain on the other side and they don’t compromise. Period! Therefore, Boehner always capitulated and spent more time devising and explaining why he failed than actually doing his job as a representative.

This is where political courage must be exercised and neither Boehner, nor McConnell for that matter, have it. It is at this point too, where the GOP must realize that simply changing a manager (Speaker), but not reviewing and changing the playbook, will solve nothing. Boehner’s selected team of like minded “leaders”, should have all resigned with him and let the new crop of real conservatives come in and have a go.

Clearly, the Speaker finally realized the dire plight of the GOP if the Congress can’t take hold of the balance of power with the Executive and return to it its legitimate legislative authority. The Storm Petrels whispered to Boehner to opt out before the blood bath really gets going. The soon to come, but very short political eulogies for the unlamented House Speaker, will doubtless be slobbering testimonies to his vision, etc., etc., & etc., but the impact will be lost because Boehner didn’t have the good decency to honorably kill himself like adherents of Bushido. Boehner took the cowards way out, he simply quit.

America can no longer afford to have a Marxist running our government without observing the checks and balances written into the Constitution. Obama drew many political red lines against Republican ideas and Boehner never cross them. The rest of the world knows that Obama is weak and won’t defend his stated “Red Lines” why didn’t John Boehner? The mystery remains. Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, let’s go get the rest of ‘em! (27 Sept 2015)

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