Immigration or Invasion


Opinion by George McClellan:

Jeb Bush, in his foray to Atlanta recently, opined on Trumps immigration plan: “There needs to be real efforts to deal with the abuse of these factories (birth baby’s) where people come in and have children to gain the citizenship for the children. But this is in the Constitution, (XIV amendment). The argument that it’s not, I don’t think, is the right view”.

Actually, not all people who come here to have their US citizen baby do so not to claim US citizenship, but, like South Koreans, to immunized their sons against being drafted into the So. Korean Army. Wow, that’s what a US Passport can do for some folks. As for Jeb’s ‘real efforts,’ idea, actually, nothing really needs to be changed. The XIV amendment simply needs to be read, correctly.

Marco Rubio, the boy wonder from Florida, said ”the majority of it (Trump’s immigration plan) is really not a workable plan that could ever pass congress.” There are two ways this can be viewed,  either the Congress is so corrupt that it dare not run against the powerful business interests as represented by the national Chamber of Commerce to maintain their profits using cheap labor, or, they are so incompetent that they don’t understand the laws governing the protection of America and Americans. Another change of ideas is needed here.

First, the idea that the swarms of illegals swarming across our borders are truly immigrants pining to be American’s, is baloney. They represent an invasion, imbedded with them real enemies of America. With that new definition in mind, the Congress should be able to realize the dangers facing us and take appropriate action. But  alas, the Republicans are scared S—-less of offending, first, the democrats, second, the illegals and third, the media. Trump has changed all that of course. so the Republican Congress needs to get moving if they expect to keep their base. But, the GOP is reeling in confusion. They have no idea of the tsunami overtaking them.

As these invaders are not an organized army, uniformed and armed, but instead a motley crew of peons, campesinos and camp followers, the reaction is naturally to arrest, detain and deport. “Oh, but we can’t afford it. The cost of deporting eleven million invaders is untenable, let them stay here, work and pay taxes.” That’s also baloney. How does the cost of maintaining them here with free housing, food stamps, schooling, education and medical care and incarcerations costs, compare to a bus ticket or a hard seat in the back of an Army 4×4, with MRE’s to eat?

“But that would be breaking up families”. Well, so does going to prison! When has the government ever saw to the well being of a prisoners family? “But the children, they were born here. ”So what? They should, as Trump said ”stay with their families”, on the bus south. If this effort is so costly, then monies not paid to sanctuary cities, should just about cover the costs.

The real answer lies in money. Always follow the money. That’s what they are here for, money, not citizenship. The billions of dollars illegals send home and do not spend in America, belies the claim that their taxes brings a level of prosperity to America. More liberal nonsense.

Require them all to have US Bank Accounts. Cease the wire transfer operations that immediately finds their earnings going across the border. Give illegals ninety days to sell their property or sell it for them at a loss to them. Squeeze them with money and they will soon be heading south, voluntarily. As for the Islamists, neutralize them at the border like we did the Germans in WWII. It’s time to remove the gloves. Donald Trump has. Thanks! Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em! (19 August 2015)

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