The Face of Jihad


Opinion by George McClellan:

San Bernardino, Ca. is my home town. I was born there, started my family there and left there in 1972 on my life of travel and adventure never to return except to bury my Dad and Mom in turn.

While shocking, what happened there this week does not surprise me because already I know the brutal, deadly attack came from people outside the community, from a depraved, non American culture for whom death is a reward, clinging to a philosophy completely inimical to the American form of democratic republicanism.

We hear the word “Jihad” used more and more especially now that we are experiencing a rising number of deadly attacks around the world by Islamic radicals who tell us they are on a “Jihad.” Jihad means: “war against non-muslims.” To muslims, Jihad is not a striving for one’s individual perfection. Neither is it the odd, random clash of contending groups. Jihad is the vehicle by which Islam pursues its goal of forcing a radical, totalitarian ideology down our throats. Their sole purpose is to establish a global Islamic state, a Caliphate if you want, ruled by Sharia Law.

Jihad is justified by the Koran that repeatedly exhorts the faithful to do battle with Infidels (non-believers). This one basic goal, when faithfully executed, makes negotiations a sham because it’s simply all part of the process of Islamization. Did you know that John Kerry’s opposite at the Iranian nuclear negotiations table, is a relative. Their children are married.

Negotiations over Palestine will never succeed. Its part of the plan. Islam demands the return of the Levant (Israel, Palestine and Jordon) into the Caliphate. They want a return of all territory from Iraq to Spain. They have all the time in the world to accomplish this and can wait patiently until the world is finally subjugated. Islam means submission. When we don’t resist, we submit.

We’ve seen two murderous attacks in Paris this year and now in San Bernardino, USA. We will see more here because America is seen as the great Satan. Hassan Nasrallah, the leader of Hizbollah said: “Our hostility to the Great Satan (America) is absolute…Death to America will remain our reverberating and powerful slogan: Death to America.”  Good luck John Kerry!

These announcements do not deviate from Islamic tradition, indeed they are the very soul of the Prophets message, a divine decree that calls for the annihilation or submission of all Infidels. To muslims who embrace the Koran, (they all do) it is an inviolable rule, a constant principle that will not change with time or leadership. That is the reason why muslims who live within our grace, now make news in Ft. Hood, Chattanooga, Paris, and San Bernardino.  Muslims cannot be westernized. They will not be westernized. They will abuse our laws to advance their Jihad. It was through bloody suppression and constant war and fear, that the Prophet Mohammad, spread his message of ‘submission’ to all surrounding tribes and countries.

If you want to start protecting yourselves and your families from Jihad, I highly encourage you to make the effort to understand exactly what this word means and to change your attitudes about political correctness and self-defense. As individuals we need to arm up, get tough and shed the fear that comes with being accused of being Islamaphobic or racists. Who’s doing the accusing anyway? The corrupted Left wing media and their opinion no longer matters. Islam is as much a religion of peace as a battleship is a racing yacht.

Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way, Now, go get ‘em! (04 Dec 2015)

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