Is Loss of Trust Forever?


The old adage “keep your friends close and your enemies close” applies only when you know
who your friends and enemies are. Lt. Col. Vindman, a US Army Officer, held a position of trust
and responsibility on the National Security Council Staff, probably because of his Ukrainian
speaking skills. His brother, an officer, worked there too. But, alas, they both became convinced
of their self-importance to the bureaucratic Deep State that lead them to insubordination.

Both are now looking for positions somewhere suitable to their talents, ratting on their superiors.
Lt. Col. Vindman, if not court-martialed for his deeds, could soon find himself commanding a
basic infantry training battalion at Ft. Leonard Wood, Mo. perhaps! He took an oath not only to
defend the Constitution but also to obey his superiors. There is a clause that allows a soldier to
disobey an illegal order, but nothing that permits him, on the strength of his personal feelings
alone, to publicly “rat out” his Commander-in-Chief simply because he “thinks” something said
that was inappropriate. That sort of thing is far above his pay grade. Even an Ambassador was
fired. The Commander-in-Chief must have advisors he can trust.

Because one political party is drifting Left toward fascist totalitarism and has dragged half the
country with them in that belief, does not imply that the old rules of decent conduct no longer
apply. To believe that the incumbent, Donald Trump, who was voted in as President by an
electoral majority is unacceptable because his program is intent on Making America Great
Again, is to toy dangerously with the intent of the Constitution and the rule of law. It&’s a fools
undertaking for anyone who has come to accept the Democrats philosophy that the Constitution
and the rule of law, are out of date and should no longer apply. We're not there yet!

Lt.Col. Vindman’s escorted removal from his position on the National Security Council was
public, shameful, showy and meant to convey a message to his administration. The C-i-C is
Donald Trump, not a staff functionary. Lt.Col. Vindman not only lost his job, he lost his TS/SCI
security clearance that he’ll never get back as well but, he irrevocably lost the trust of his
comrades and the Army that accepted him. I will be surprised if he is not court-martialed and
ends up at the Leavenworth Military Disciplinary Barracks (prison) for his faithless conduct.

Lt. Col Vindman had choices. He could have resigned, retired or asked for a transfer if he felt he
was laboring in an office whose aims were contrary to his personal beliefs or, he could have
complained up his chain of command. What he absolutely could not do is sneak and contrive
behind the President’s back, to undermine his programs by publicly blabbing his personal
opinions to any forum that asked him. It was not his job. The argument that he was subpoenaed
is fallacious because the White House, by right, would have exerted Executive Privilege to
prevent his testimony. He did so, proudly in his shiny blue uniform, by his own will.

Lt. Col. Vindman, his brother and Ambassador Sondland are the first. Trump’s acquittal has
opened the portals of a subtle realignment that will come as surely as Elm blight comes in
January. Trump doesn’t need to be revengeful; In their anguished pursuit of his demise his
enemies, primarily Pelosi, Schiff and Nadler, have exposed the Deep Staters within the
administration and revealed their despicable behavior that will cause them their own grief.
Trump does not need to be forgiving. The toil and hurt the Democrats have put him and his
family through, brook no sympathy. Whatever comes, they got it coming. Trust is the most
valuable asset a person can carry throughout his life. The loss of that trust is forever and the
consequences incalculable. Let the cleansing begin!


Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get 'em!

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