A Very Confusing Campaign


Written by George McClellan

The idea of a creating a “Workers Paradise” where the government provides to you according to
your needs, and takes from you according to your ability, a la, Socialism, is a long failed idea
resurrected by the Democrats from the dung heap of history. America, as a “Shinning City On A
Hill” because of Donald Trump, is still as viable and filled with promise as when Ronald Reagan
said it and Donald Trump is restoring it.

I stand in amazement to realize what’s really happening politically in America today. America is
on a roll. Unemployment numbers are as low to rock bottom as they have been for decades.
Minority employment is soaring; most people are satisfied with their health care plans and don’t
want medicare for all; economically stifling rules and regulations, impediments to economic
growth are being rolled back, agriculture advancements are making America the worlds
breadbasket and yet, the scrum of contenders vying to be the president choice of the Democrat
party, insisting on revisiting the misery of a bygone era by claiming American’s would be happier
if only they should become more like Venezuela, or worse, Cuba, still has traction.

Bernie Sanders absolutely needs to be the Democrat Party’s candidate. His is the very face of
Soviet era Marxism. That way the whole world will see that Americas Democrat party still lives in
the 1920′;s and 30’39;s era of oppressed workers, imposed production goals, party bosses, party
run trade Unions (like our teachers unions) and peasant workers living in squalid conditions who
will do anything to survive. Yes, just like Cuba!

Trumps energy policies, like a warm wind sweeping across the prairie, have swept away
Americas need for Arabian Oil. China, desperate to sustain its image as a major world player
needs imported energy and lots of it. Trumps new trade agreement with a stubborn China has
opened American energy export markets to their needs and re-opened the export markets of
their mass produced junque we so desperately need, to fill the shelves at Walmart. The
Coronavirus setback is meaningful economically, but temporary to the worlds economic scene.
On top of that, European money is flowing into Americas markets because even European
Union’s collectivism is ruining their hopes for prosperity. Britain got out. Others will too!

Americans are ill informed today. Our once reliable news papers are almost an anarchism as
the NYT operates more like the Soviets old Pravda than the Newspaper that once trumpeted
Americas greatness. We no longer need to rely on ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN or Fox news for our
information because all they report on, all we hear, is the same boring crap surrounding the
Democrats unending derangement over losing the 2016 election to a fellow they don’t like. Their
mantra: “that can’;t possibly have happened because the fix (for Hilary) was in.”

They didn’t win, therefore, naturally, they have a right to be angry. That’s why the Media fills their
air ways with supposed Russian involvement in our elections, Trumps phone call with the
President of the Ukraine, Trumps disrespecting the Congress (Oh boy, what a bunch of losers
they turned out to be), Trumps interference with the DoJ’s conduct of slamming an old man into
prison for years, Trumps unhealthy trade deal with China, Trumps rolling back Obama’s good
works, all while ignoring the Deep State crimes of Hillary Clinton and the corrupt Obama
administration. No longer are Obama’s fingerprints not to be found in the treasonous activity to
bring down his successor, they’re everywhere, yet he survives.

What happened to his failed "Arab Spring" foreign policy that killed a US Ambassador and
others in Benghazi, his gun running scheme in Mexico, his overthrowing of Libya, a country still
in chaos, his overthrowing the Egyptian president to install the Muslim Brotherhood, a failed

scheme; His “red line” fiasco with Syria that initiated the Syrian civil war; his facilitating the mass
movement of Islam all over the world, including here, the sure precursor of coming conflict and
His State Departments running advance for Iran’s nuclear program, and the list is endless.

We’ve seen the face of Socialism during the eight slow years of Obama’s attempt to pull down
the walls of the “Shining City on the Hill”! Will we see it again with an elderly crackpot Marxist
who campaigns for a Socialist America.

Come on you guys. Give us a break! Swallow your pride and help keep America Great. Re-
elect the only candidate who has done something positive for America, Donald Trump. Dump
socialism, protect America. It’s all we’ve got. If it goes, it’s gone forever.

Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ’em

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