BOE Receives Final Report of Finances


The Gilmer County Board of Education released their Final Report for the end of June 2015, and the end of the Fiscal Year, at Monday’s work session, October 12

This report shows a largely different end to the year than was expected, reporting a difference of about $68,000 of expenditures over revenue as opposed to an expected $4.6m over revenue at the beginning of that fiscal year.

Actual Expenditures came in much less than expected as staff cut a lot of spending through several boons to the budget, such as 7 additional teachers being Federal funded rather than locally and certain positions not being replaced after resignations.

Almost $1 million in excess tax revenue due to delinquint taxes aided additional state revenue of almost $800,000 at the midyear adjustment, along with other sources from prior periods and additional grants, to post an 8.52% addition to revenues, almost $3 million.

The Board also reported its Finances for August 2015  as well as the ESPLOST Reports for both 2010 and 2015.

Moving on to facilities the Board heard a recommendation from the ECAC Committee to the site of the Ag Facility at Clear Creek. You will see the location marked in red on the linked diagram, this is the South Location which was suggested due to it requiring the least amount of site clearance and preparation. While the yellow site, West Location, was considered due to the abundance of space for different facilities, it was decided to require too much preparation, which would deduct possible funds from the project itself. This recommendation is only to begin advertisement for the project.

The work session presented Policies for First Reading (IFBG Internet Acceptable Use, JCDA Student Behavior Code, KG Use of School Facilities, LDAJ Law Enforcement, LDAJA Interrogations and Investigations, LEBA Parental Involvement in Education, JDC4 Awarding Units and Transferring Credits, and also IDFC Community Coaches which was resubmitted for First reading due to excessive changes) and Policies for Second Reading (DJ Expenditure of Funds, DJB Petty Cash Accounts, DJCA Pay Day Scedules, DJCB Salary Deductions, DJE Purchasing, and DJEA Purchasing Authority.)


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