Small Business Owners: Small Business Saturday is this Saturday! To help set your business up for success on November 28th, here is a 48 hour communication plan for your business.
Thanksgiving Day
Morning: Make a post and let your followers know how thankful you are for their business. Think about sharing photos from the past year or photos of your team.
Evening: Make a post reminding your followers what you’re offering on Small Business Saturday. Advertise your hours and let them know what you are offering to make their shopping experience special on Small Business Saturday.
Friday, 11/27
Morning: If you have an email newsletter list, send a quick e-blast letting your list know what you are offering and that your sale is tomorrow. Consider offering something special to your e-list like 10% off or something only they can get.
Afternoon: Post a Facebook or Instagram story preview and show your followers what you have set up for Small Business Saturday.
Evening: Make a post reminding followers that you will be open and participating in Small Business Saturday. Remember: quick videos will reach more followers than a static post!
Small Business Saturday, 11/28
Morning: Make or pre-schedule a post showing shoppers that you are officially open. Consider making it more fun by sharing a Boomerang of your staff flipping the sign from Closed to Open.
Afternoon: Make several posts showing shoppers with their purchases and letting your followers know how many hours they have left to stop by before closing.
Evening: Make a “Thank You” post after closing thanking everyone who stopped by and shopped with you. Let people who missed out know when you will be open again so they can come in and shop.
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