Hotel/Motel Tax receives final approval with start date change

start date

ELLIJAY, Ga. – A topic that that began last December when the Board of Commissioners heard options of potentially raising the county’s Hotel/Motel Tax will see its final stages of adoption in the next 30 days before the start date.

June saw the final adoption of the change and implementation will move forward with a ratification of the contract, implementing the Chambers change in percentage, and the actual start date of the tax change. To that end, County Attorney David Clark noted that there may be a Special Called Meeting to formally ratify that before the start date.

In January 2022, the official motion and approval came to begin a change in the Hotel/Motel Tax from five percent to eight percent and included tourism product development (TPD) Projects. Then, in April 2022, when t he county began advertising the change, another change was introduced as Clark stated that stays up to 30 days can be considered “short term rentals.”

The Commissioners held discussion this month, June 2022, during their Regular Meeting as to the official start date. Since last month, that date has been set to July 1, 2022. However, discussion upon the wording in the Official Code of Georgia Annotated (OCGA), and its reference to earliest implementation being the second month following adoption. the county questioned whether to postpone the start date to August to be sure.

Post Commissioner Hubert Parker questioned the postponement saying that he felt like the county might be confusing or causing issues with changing the dates again. The date was at one point discussed at August as was a segmented start date revolving around reservation times versus the actual date of stay but this changed to July last month after cabin owners pushed for a single hard start date and said they were agreeable to July.

Now, as commissioners discussed the OCGA wording, Commission Chairman Charlie Paris said that he would prefer August just to be absolutely sure the comply with the code. Advice from attorney Clark said that he felt July would be in compliance, but also agreed that August would be the safer option as he has seen litigation over minute wordings.

Parker said that since the July 1 start date hasn’t passed, he felt they wouldn’t cause major harm with the change and so he “could live with it.”

Official motion came from Chairman Paris to approve the final adoption of the Hotel/Motel Tax increase on August 1, 2022. The county is still likely to hold a special meeting for the ratification of the contract but official adoption has been approved and is in motion with a concrete date.

Apple Blossom planned after 3 years of cancellations


EAST ELLIJAY, Ga. – The Gilmer Chamber is accepting vendor applications for the 2022 Annual Apple Blossom Festival. The spring event has seen three cancellations over the last three years for various reasons and is once again on schedule to see its return in 2022.

With the outbreak of COVID-19, the past two years have seen the event cancelled in favor of caution for both attendees and vendors. Last year, the event was also set in motion with plans and vendors on track for May. However, a last minute statement from the chamber said, “Out of an abundance of caution and desire to keep our public safe, the decision has been made to cancel the 2021 Georgia Apple Blossom Festival.”

This statement came after rising case numbers of COVID-19 had many thinking the virus would return as bad or worse as the height of the outbreak that saw cancellations of virtually every major event in 2020, including the same Apple Blossom Festival. As numbers declined again in late summer, the 2021 Apple Festival returned as planned despite the cancellation of the earlier spring festival.

The year before that, the Apple Blossom Festival was cancelled in 2019 due to weather conditions. Chamber representatives said they could not reschedule the event due to many of the vendors already having full schedules and other difficulties.

This year will also represent new Chamber President Jennifer Grimmer’s first Apple Blossom Festival since taking office. Last year’s Apple Festival saw Grimmer leading the Chamber to a record setting first weekend for sales. She operated alongside former President Paige Hutto as a consultant during that festival where the Chamber operated with modifications for distancing between vendors and attendees as much as possible.

Now, with just under a month left until the planned return, Gilmer’s Apple Blossom Festival is scheduled to see its return on Saturday, May 7, 2022, from 9 am to 5 pm and Sunday, May 8, 2022, from 9 am to 4 pm.

Vendors will be setting up on Friday, May 6, 2022, 1 pm to 7 pm. Those still wishing to apply as vendors can do so on the Chamber’s Website.

First Candidates forum for Gilmer Elections in April

Election, News

GILMER COUNTY, Ga. – The Gilmer Chamber will be hosting the first candidate forum for the 2022 elections in the county. Hosting candidates from the Post 2 Commissioner race and the Board of Education races, the forum is set to cover all challenged races.

Beginning at 6:00 p.m., the event will be held at the Piedmont Community Center on Industrial Boulevard on April 11, 2022. According to the Chamber’s website, Steve Purvis will be moderating the candidates forum. Qualifying for these local elections ended on March 11, 2022.

While the Board of Commissioners Chairman position saw only the incumbent qualify, the Post Commissioner Candidates will be on hand for a meet and greet at the event. The candidates include Gary Engel. John Marshall, and Tom Whatley.

Both Board of Education positions saw opposition in qualifying. Board of Education Post 4 saw the Incumbent Michael Bramlett and Michele Penland qualify as candidates. Board of Education Post 5 did not have the incumbent qualify, but instead saw Jacob Callihan and Sam Snider qualify as candidates.

According to the chamber, this moderated forum will see candidates answering questions about their thoughts and stances on issues that impact the workforce and business in Gilmer County. The Chamber in the encouragement and progress of business and industry in the county. They also works alongside the Greater Gilmer JDA (Joint Development Authority) in their efforts to continue economic development within the county.

A major issue in the county that has risen further over the last two years, workforce housing centralizes as a topic many citizens are looking to explore. Staffing issues have also risen in the area as the state as a whole continues recovering from the pandemic and other political issues.

The forum is open to the public for all citizens to come and listen to the proceedings as each candidate will be given time to speak.

Gilmer Chamber selling tickets for 1st annual Warbird Weekend

Community, News

ELLIJAY, Ga. – Just over a month away, Gilmer’s Chamber has begun ticket sales for its Warbird Weekend event. Though originally scheduled for last August before COVID forced a reschedule, the event is now set for April 1, 2022.

In celebrations for the 50th Anniversary of the Georgia Apple Festival, Warbird Weekend was set to be part of the Fall Activities along with National Aviation Day. The Chamber is working with the Commemorative Air Force (CAF) to land five authentic World War II aircraft at the Gilmer County Airport just before sunset on April 1 and just before a catered meal celebrating the 1940’s.

Warbird Weekend

A T-34 Mentor displayed by the Commemorative Air Force, one of the planes that the Gilmer Chamber said will attend the Georgia Mountain Warbird Weekend.

Those five planes include the SBD Dauntless, the Kate BN-5, the LT-6 Mosquito, the T-34 Mentor, and the PT-19 Fairchild.

The celebration strongly encourages attendees to dress in their 1940’s outfits for the event. Attendees will also have the opportunity to dance the evening away with Tray Dahl & The Jugtime Ragband after a four-course meal from Emily’s Bar and Restaurant. In addition, the pilots and planes from the CAF will be available for photos shortly after they land.

Another addition to the day’s events is the opportunity for those interested to visit the CAF and book personal flights on Saturday, April 2, 2022, to experience the planes in air for yourself.

Hosted at the Gilmer County Airport, the aircraft will be on display as the meal is served inside one of the airports hangars. With the space available the Chamber is only selling 200 tickets. With a full month left before the event, the Chamber has already sold nearly 150 tickets.

Gilmer’s Civil Air Patrol is also going to be available during Warbird Weekend they are volunteering for the event and will be receiving a small scholarship from the event on behalf of the Chamber.

Headquartered in Dallas, Texas. The CAF has members in every state and 28 foreign countries. According to their website, the CAF was founded to acquire, restore and preserve in flying condition a complete collection of combat aircraft which were flown by all military services of the United States, and selected aircraft of other nations, for the education and enjoyment of present and future generations of Americans. A branch has several of these planes based in Peachtree City, Georgia.

Hotel/Motel Tax raised in Gilmer BOC special meeting

TPD, BOC, Board, Commissioners

ELLIJAY, Ga. – A special called meeting of Gilmer’s Board of Commissioners saw the official motion and approval of a change in the Hotel/Motel Tax from five percent to eight percent and included tourism product development (TPD) Projects.

The meeting saw the continued discussion of the topic that was brought up last year after Gilmer Chamber President and CEO Jennifer Grimmer responded to Post Commissioner Karleen Ferguson’s request for information. Grimmer had already provided information to the cities at their request and delivered similar to the BOC.

In December 2021, Grimmer said that going above five percent in the tax opens up tourism product development (TPD) options. Grimmer explained that this fund could be used to build or improve things like river access, signage, parking lots, public bathrooms, and other projects. Gilmer is currently 100 percent marketing and does not use any of the funds for tangible or “brick-and-mortar” improvements.

With this approval, certain areas have to be listed for general guidance on projects for the county to pursue. The board stated that the project list can change from year to year, but the county is to disclose the general ideas where they will use the TPD options to fund. They noted that approval in the county’s meeting is for the resolution to be sent for approval in state legislation. In fact, Post Commissioner Hubert Parker’s motion for approval included submitting the request to Speaker David Ralston.

These stated projects were labeled as Parks, Trails, and Recreation facilities. Though throughout the meeting, the board’s exploration of projects lead to additional funding for the pool and wayfinding signage. Additionally, 18% of the funds collected must be used for the TPD projects.

Recently, the county’s pool project has failed to see real progress as bids for the project have not received any  submissions. The board discussed that some questions to those interested said the addition of a diving well had some affect on their decisions. The diving well would increase project costs and liability costs for the county. Brief discussions still saw interest from board members to pursue the diving well if possible.

Additionally, in the special meeting’s Citizens Wishing to Speak section, the board heard a presentation from Robert Ferguson about his recent attendance of the Gilmer Chamber’s “Leadership Gilmer” course. Robert said that part of the course was to find a project to work on to improve the county. He went on to add that his project that he worked on with a group of people in the course was wayfinding signage. Providing handouts and extra documentation, Robert noted the abundance of signage in Ellijay for different things including a large portion of real estate signage. He also noted a lack of signage for visitors to utilize in increasing tourism guidance.

The addition of more wayfinding signage would help visitors quickly navigate to sites like local businesses, vineyards, the downtown area, and even historic places like the Tabor House. Though not a part of this same project, it is something the Chamber has noted as helpful and important for those unfamiliar with our county. Having inspected signage on their own, the Chamber recently updated signage on the Highway 515 Welcome Center and main office in the last year.

These two projects were a current focus for the Board of Commissioners with TPD, but they also discussed future possible projects briefly. Ultimately, with the project list updated annually, they elected to focus on the 2022 projects and push discussion for 2023 to a later date. Additionally, sending the resolution to state legislation requires the current project list and County Attorney David Clark noted that this change would not be finalized and implemented until Georgia’s Governor signs the bill into law. This could occur in May or later.

After signing, Clark said there is a notification period as well. If the signing is delay, the change could occur as late as September of 2022.

Grimmer also returned to speak at the Special Meeting offering information. She noted that TPD funding could have doubled in 2021 according to projections. She reasserted to the BOC that the Gilmer Chamber was a point of information on the subject with no financial interest as the increase would lower the Chambers percentage received in order to balance out to the same collection.

It was noted that while the Parks, Trails, and Recreation facilities denoted as projects are considerations and the county is not bound to complete projects in all the areas. However, they cannot work on projects outside of those areas until added to the list during the annual discussions.

County hears option to raise Hotel/Motel Tax

Hotel/Motel Tax

ELLIJAY, Ga. – Having prepared presentations for the two cities upon request, Gilmer Chamber President and CEO Jennifer Grimmer spoke to the Board of Commissioners in December on Hotel/Motel Tax after being questioned on the subject by Post 2 Commissioner Karleen Ferguson.

Grimmer had prepared a presentation for the City of Ellijay, she said that she examined both cities and the county along with the study she did. Grimmer also prepared the comparisons to provide the information to the Board of Commissioners according to Ferguson. The county has made no motions or even had an agenda item to discuss changing the Hotel/Motel Tax as this topic came after a report to the board during its monthly meeting.

Grimmer had reported on the Chamber’s year and on the budget looking into next year as they continue marketing plans for the county. Set as an update and discussion item, Ferguson asked Grimmer to explain the comparisons and what it would mean if Gilmer County raised its Hotel/Motel Tax.

Ferguson called the numbers “pretty dramatic” and said they could help the county’s general fund in accomplishing some projects that the county has been unable to do yet.

Grimmer told the board that the topic came up as the City of Ellijay asked for her expertise on the topic. While the Chamber did not initiate the conversation, they do have several tools and resources monitoring rentals, rooms, and similar lodging and their effects on the community. As part of her original report, before the question of the tax arose, Grimmer had just discussed with the county averages such as how much an average cabin owner can make and tracking for how much of the county’s lodging capacity is being used or estimated to be on certain weekends.

hotel/motel Tax

Gilmer Chamber President and CEO Jennifer Grimmer

But moving to the topic on the tax itself, Grimmer said that going above five percent in the tax opens up tourism product development (TPD) options. Grimmer explained that this fund could be used to build or improve things like river access, signage, parking lots, public bathrooms, and other projects. Gilmer is currently 100 percent marketing and does not use any of the funds for tangible or “brick-and-mortar” improvements.

The county could go up to eight percent tax in Georgia. Grimmer explained that at six percent tax, the funds are split between the DMO (Destination Marketing Organization, i.e. the Chamber), the county, and TPD. Grimmer explained that the state sets the Chambers portion doesn’t change from 5 percent to 8 percent so they are virtually unaffected, but increasing the total tax increases the portion of TPD up to 15 percent.

Grimmer reported that Blue Ridge is at 8 percent tax with Fannin at 6 percent. Currently Ellijay and Gilmer are at 5 percent. East Ellijay is at 3 percent.

As for whether the county is actually moving forward on the subject, Post 1 Commissioner Hubert Parker said he wanted to know more about what the county might run into if they move ahead with adjusting the tax. With plans to revisit the topic on future agendas, the county is set to look deeper into the topic before making its official decision.

Apple Festival first weekend sets records for vendors

Community, News
Apple Festival

ELLIJAY, Ga. – Looking at record setting festivals like 2016, a single weekend reaching about 26,000 people visiting the Apple Festival, according to the Gilmer Chamber,  may not seem like a record setting weekend. But the record comes from spending according to vendor reports that Chamber President and CEO Jennifer Grimmer shared with FYN.

Friday saw the Apple Festival Parade kick off the grand return to the annual event with its Golden Year theme to celebrate this being the 50th Annual Georgia Apple Festival. A somewhat shorter parade than usual was held in downtown Ellijay, at 6:00 p.m., as the parade followed its usual path up River Street, around the square, and down North Main Street. However, Grimmer said the quality of many of the floats have hit a high point this year, making the decisions for awards even harder.

Apple Festival

First place winners in the parade floats, the Girl Scouts of America.

Those winners included the Girl Scouts in First Place, Artful Provisions in Second Place, and the Gilmer Animal Shelter in Third Place.

Grimmer also said that the Chamber may look to changing the day and time of the parade again next year, but will be looking for input from citizens and vendors on what day and time they feel would be better.

The festival commenced the day after the parade as vendors opened up to a very foggy morning on Saturday to officially open the gate for the return to festival days.

With many other surrounding county’s festivals like the Marble Festival in Pickens County cancelled again this year, thoughts were that attendance could increase this year. But within the first two days of the festival, the Chambers records report roughly 26,000 attendees came through the festivals fairgrounds. While many of these also visited downtown, many more attend the festival’s extension and secondary location called Apple Arts. With no gate or counter, there isn’t an estimate for how many attended Apple Arts that did not attend the festival on the fairgrounds. Grimmer noted that the Chamber is happy with the 26,000 attendees. Though it is not a record setting attendance weekend.

“We had an absolutely amazing weekend,” said Grimmer as she shared the attendance numbers. She explained her excitement as she also shared a report from the festival vendors. Many vendors reported sales not only increased over recent years, but exploded into unforeseen numbers. Many vendors sold out of their entire stock of merchandise in just two days or less. What they brought with them to last for two weekends did not even survive two days of this year’s festival.

Apple Festival

Officially kicking off the 50th Annual Apple Festival, the Apple Festival Parade took place on Friday, October 8, 2021, at 6:00 p.m.

Even the local apple houses were feeling the demand as Grimmer reported one of the apple houses had to go mid-day to resupply and bring more apples to the fairground.

When asked, Grimmer said that yes, a few vendors said they would be unable to return next weekend because they simply don’t have or cannot get enough stock by then. Many others reported that they would be spending five days in full production mode and searching for supplies to return this Saturday to continue providing for demand. Many vendors reported this has been either their best or among their best weekends ever. The fairgrounds were not exclusive to this either as Apple Arts in Downtown shared similar stories from all of its vendors.

Grimmer surveyed as many vendors as she could to garner the response and experiences of this return to the event. Sharing the report of one vendor who has been at the festival for 20 years, Grimmer said, “He usually doesn’t make a sale until after lunch and he had people at his booth at 9:02 buying.”

Grimmer also explained how this translates to locals. In addition to sales for vendors, many of which are local artisans, local organizations and non-profits are feeling the increase with donations and things like parking lots and exposure through the festival. From the Lion’s Club to Boys and Girls Club and Boy Scouts, all are benefitting from the return of the festival. Of course the businesses are benefitting from the overflow through restaurants and local merchants. Grimmer shared a report from Misty Hollow experiencing “the third highest day ever.”

Apple Festival

Third Place in the Apple Festival Parade, the Gilmer Animal Shelter.

So much business was being done that the Chamber experienced its own issues from trying to maintain the ATMs and refilling the machines and even had a short time when they ran out of $20 bills from most of the machines.

Surveying the vast majority of the vendors, she said that not one single vendor said they were disappointed or experiencing a down time.

Grimmer said their was some overwhelming feelings, but said that thanks to the staff helping out, volunteers running smoothly, and the return of former President Paige Hutto returning as a consultant, the festival has run smoothly and addressed issues to allow the success that it has seen. She even noted and said she’s been very thankful to how the community is working together. Vendors willingness to spread out in aid of social distancing and volunteers stepping to fill needs were just some of the things. Grimmer also said she has been really thankful that a couple vendors called ahead and though they had to cancel last minute, she said she was very proud of vendors saying they could have had a positive exposure and probably shouldn’t attend.

Even the house from the movie “UP” finds its way into Ellijay for the 50th Annual Apple Festival’s parade in downtown Ellijay.

But local community is a part of the efforts, too. Some locals are still staying at home to avoid the traffic and crowds, but many have been seen at both the fairgrounds and downtown, attending the parades, signing up to volunteer, signing up for the car show, participating in the 5k, dealing with the traffic, and continuing to support the Chamber and the annual event in all of its forms and outside programs.

The Chamber isn’t sitting on the success though. Grimmer noted that most of the Chamber staff don’t have a single day off between October 4 and October 22. What may seem strange is that while most of the time is spent continuing to deal with and prepare for the second weekend, some of this time is already preparing for next year. Taking notes and sharing ideas, Grimmer said that the Chamber is already looking at things that could be better done and are looking for public input like the parade times and working alongside the school system, the county, and its people.


Apple Festival sets final preparations for returning celebrations

Community, News

ELLIJAY, Ga. – Whether its a time when you stock up and stay home or a time when you meet the coming crowds to tour the grounds, two weekends in October undoubtedly change the face of Gilmer County every year with the Georgia Apple Festival.

Except, that wasn’t true last year. Amid the pandemic, the Gilmer Chamber has had to cancel several festivals and events over the last two years including the Apple Blossom Festival, Taste of Ellijay, and the most popular event, the Georgia Apple Festival. Even as recent as Spring of this year, pressure from the outbreak has been felt as the Chamber cancelled the 2021 Apple Blossom Festival.

Despite its popularity and efforts to hold the event in some form adhering to restrictions, the Georgia Apple Festival was cancelled in 2020 as the Board of Directors stated, “The difficult decision was made following the guidance of the local healthcare community, after consultation with local officials, and with extensive feedback from vendors, volunteers, and local citizens.”


Preparing for next week’s event, The Lion’s Club sign at their fairgrounds is heralding the return of the 50th Georgia Apple Festival.

Chamber President and CEO Jennifer Grimmer told FYN earlier this year that the Chamber and those involved were working with former Chamber President Paige Hutto on the major event as she continues along her first year with the Chamber. In a statement in February, Grimmer said, “I am happy to confirm that we are on track for the Apple Festival” However, rising COVID numbers in positive cases over the summer months had some doubting whether the event could happen if it continued.

However, recent weeks have seen the preparations spike. And this week even saw the sign at the fairgrounds posted with the official details for the event.

Additionally, a theme has fallen on the Festival. This year is not just a return to the annual event, but a “Golden Year” theme marks the return with the 50th Georgia Apple Festival.

FYN’s current understanding is that some details of the festival could be very different this year including more space among the vendors. Those vendors have been among main concerns of the Chamber with cancellations as they have reached out for feedback and suggestions for future events and planning. Vendors that rely on festivals like this have been specifically hurt in the last two years as the Apple Festival is not the only cancellation they have suffered.

The Chamber even noted last year that they were working with some to potentially rollover certain fees to this year in efforts to help and support the vendors that make up such a large part of the festival.

The event’s return is right around the corner this year as it moves back into its usual dates on the second and third weekends of October. As this Friday is first of October, that means the event starts next weekend. The official dates are October 9, 10, 16, and 17. The festival begins at 9 a.m. every day and ends at 6 p.m. on Saturdays and 5 p.m. on Sundays.

With the return of the festival also comes the return of events all over Gilmer County including Apple Arts on the downtown square and the Apple Festival Parade, as well as other supporting events like the 5k Road Race and the annual car show. The Apple Festival Parade will be held on October 8 this year, at 6 p.m. However, the Chamber said it still needs more participants for the event.

The parade hosts the theme “The Golden Year” in honor of the 50th anniversary of the Georgia Apple Festival and prizes will be awarded to the best, most original participants according to the Chamber.

The supporting events can all be found on the Georgia Apple Festival Website including the Annual Apple Classic Auto Show on October 9 and the Apple Festival 5k Road Race at the Ellijay Elementary School on October 9 at 8 a.m. Unfortunately, the 2021 Ellijay Apple Queen Pageant will not rejoin the events this year.

Additionally, the Gilmer Chamber is still in need of volunteers to help with the operations and are asking people to contact them to volunteer.

Chamber cancels Taste of Ellijay


The Gilmer Chamber has confirmed cancellation of the May “Taste of Ellijay” event this week after an email was sent out with information on the decision.

According to the Chamber, “This was not a quick or easy decision to make. Taste of Ellijay is a favorite event for locals, visitors, and restaurants alike.”

Statewide staffing issues and problems in labor have attributed to major issues across the state with numerous reports on the COVID crisis, unemployment, and other issues as contributing factors.

The Chamber said that they have tried to make the event work in many ways, pursuing efforts across the county and with individual business owners.

They said, “ We spoke with, emailed, and visited several restaurants to see what assistance the Chamber could offer in helping make their participation possible and one theme was clear: the current staffing crisis has hit our restaurants especially hard.”

It is because of this that the official cancellation came saying, “We cannot in good conscience hold Taste of Ellijay knowing that less than a quarter of the regular vendors would be able to participate, nor can we ask our restaurants to stretch themselves even thinner.”

Citizens are not happy with the cancellation, voicing opinions on the current situation. Citizens like Eric Ward who said it is a “sad state we’re in,” when speaking on staffing crisis and the effects it has.

Messages of support for both the Chamber and Gilmer restaurants are also coming as some are referencing the shutdown and saying the community will adjust again.

President and CEO of the Chamber, Jennifer Grimmer just started her position this year in February and has already taken on challenges from events planning and cancellation, severe storm damage to the Chamber building, and economic and developmental shortcomings in the economy.

In early April, the successes and efforts paid off with the announcement and permit approval for the Taste of Ellijay event. Grimmer said in a Board of Commissioners meeting that Taste of Ellijay, along with the Apple Festival, would be making their anticipated return this year after suffering cancellations from the COVID-19 outbreak last year.

Now, another crisis arises, another roadblock in the path of returning to life as it was.

This has not stopped the Chamber from its job, however. They offered another comment in their statement. Supporting a community is part of what a Chamber does and their statement continues that saying, “If you love events like Taste of Ellijay, we ask that you show that love to our local restaurants. Please extend our servers, chefs, restaurant owners and support staff kindness next time you go out to eat and remember that they are facing staffing shortages, supply chain shortages, and other challenges as we approach our busy Summer season.”

Chamber says Taste of Ellijay will happen

Community, News
Taste of Ellijay

ELLIJAY, Ga. – An official permit has been submitted to the City of Ellijay, according to Jennifer Grimmer, President and CEO of the Gilmer Chamber, who said today that the Taste of Ellijay is happening this year.

New Chamber President and CEO, Taste of Ellijay

Jennifer Grimmer is the new Gilmer Chamber of Commerce President and CEO

The Chamber has been plagued by cancellations of their major events over the past year since the first cases and the beginnings of the COVID-19 pandemic early last year, 2020. They cancelled the Apple Blossom Festival, Taste of Ellijay, and the Apple Festival in 2020 as well as cancelling the Apple Blossom Festival again this year, 2021. Usually held in early May, the decision  had already been made over the festival, the Taste of Ellijay event, typically in late May, has now been confirmed as happening.

Grimmer has only been under the CEO mantle for two months, dealing with getting up to speed in the position while also planning and preparing the early stages of this event, she has dealt with updating the Chamber’s website, branding, signage, and even storm damage from late March on the Chamber’s roof in East Ellijay.

As reports continue of dwindling cases and issues with COVID, the news comes as a positive to many citizens who say they are happy to return to these long held annual events. Grimmer has indicated that the Chamber will be moving forward with plans to return the annual Apple Festival in October this year, as well.

In addition to the news of the Taste of Ellijay event, Grimmer announced a new challenge with the street festival. In honor of the county and its 50th Anniversary of the Apple Festival, the Chamber will be hosting a challenge amongst the restaurants participating for the “most original apple dish.” Grimmer said there was a surprise for the winner, but did not comment on what it is.

The Taste of Ellijay event is scheduled for May 27, 2021. The first return to annual events will also be the first one under the leadership of Grimmer as the new President.

Chamber cancels Apple Blossom but looks to later festivals with hope

Community, News
President, Blossom

EAST ELLIJAY, Ga. – With new President/CEO Jennifer Grimmer guiding the Gilmer Chamber, an official announce came today regarding three major Chamber events in 2021, including the upcoming Apple Blossom Festival.

Through email and social media, the Chamber has officially announced the cancellation of the 2021 Apple Blossom Festival. The festival was cancelled last year in the early stages of the COVID-19 outbreak. This year also looks to be the cause as a statement from the Chamber said, “Out of an abundance of caution and desire to keep our public safe, the decision has been made to cancel the 2021 Georgia Apple Blossom Festival.”

BlossomThe cancellation is already drawing comments from the community in droves with many saying they understand or it is the right decision. Others question the reasoning and compared the event with other businesses and their decisions. According to Grimmer, citizens have been asking about the events this year and their status. Grimmer released a statement today in the Chamber’s email saying, “I am happy to confirm that we are on track for the Apple Festival and Taste of Ellijay! While we are disappointed that the Apple Blossom Festival will not happen in 2021, we are very excited for 2022 and already planning some new features that we believe everyone will enjoy.”

The Apple Blossom Festival’s social media is echoing the sentiment with updates on their efforts on the 2022 Georgia Apple Blossom Festival and saying the have “full intent to make next year’s Apple Blossom Festival the best one yet!”

With encouragement and hope settling in for Taste of Ellijay and the Apple Festival this year, citizens can only wait and watch for updates as the county continues navigating county, state, and federal responses to the virus. As the Chamber and events coordinators speak with vendors and make plans, FYN will update the events’ status as details become available.

Remembering Sally Daniels

Community, Gilmer County Chamber
The core values of the Gilmer Chamber are Integrity, Kindness, Collaboration, and Vision. Few who have joined our ranks have ever embodied these values so wholly and effortlessly as Sally Daniels.
Both in our Chamber and in our Community as a whole, Sally was always the first to offer friendship and a helping hand. When advice or correction was needed, Sally was steadfast yet gentle. When praise was warranted, Sally was lifegiving and uplifting. She led as a servant leads: with a quiet force that moves others to action.
In truth, it is hard to imagine all of the progress and innovation that has happened at the Gilmer Chamber without Sally’s service, passion, and distinct gift with words. A member since 1986, Sally has been invested in the Gilmer Chamber for almost four decades and in that time her dedication to our community has never waivered. When volunteers were needed for an event like Apple Festival or Taste of Ellijay, Sally was there early with a smile on her face. Whenever a new business was cutting their ribbon, Sally was there cheering them on. When Amazon Prime was first rising in the ranks, the Gilmer’s Got It campaign that renewed an interest in local shopping was Sally’s brainchild.
Sally was a standing Chamber Ambassador and served on the Chamber’s board several times. She never wanted credit for anything she did, but her monumental contributions to our community lead to Sally being named Member of the Year in 2018. Outside of her involvement in the Chamber, Sally was a dedicated member of the Rotary Club and Optimist Club where she served our community with equal integrity and found a million different ways to make Gilmer brighter day by day.
It is hard to imagine our community without Sally, her love, and her light. Please join us in lifting up thoughts and prayers for her husband Bill, their children, and their grandchildren as they navigate this exceptionally difficult time.
2021 Annual Meeting a Success
January 20, 2021
Thank You to everyone who sponsored and attended our 2021 Virtual Annual Meeting! Attendees were treated to an awesome Question and Answer Session with Mark Richt moderated by 2020 Chair Chris Wang.
To see video playback of your 2021 Board and Ambassadors along with the Passing of the Gavel and awarding of our 2020 Member of the Year, Business of the Year, and Community Champion awards, please check out the video at the left.
Gold Sponsor
Silver Sponsors
The Georgia Tech EDA University Center is conducting a survey to assess the impact that the coronavirus crisis has had in our region. Based on the information collected, the Georgia Tech team will provide participating communities with a tool for short-term recovery planning in order to build stronger, more resilient businesses for the long-term.
The survey will require less than 5 minutes of your time, depending upon your selections, but your insights will be enormously helpful. We ask that participants please respond to the survey by January 29, 2021.
Please click this link to begin the survey:
The mission of the Regional Commission is to improve the quality of life for every Northwest Georgia resident, through orderly growth, conservation of the region’s natural and historic resources, and care and development of the region’s human resources. Survey responses will help us to better understand the needs of our region and communities as recovery continues.
Membership Announcements
Salon and Day Spa
Ellijay, GA
Mushroom Farm
Ellijay, GA
Renewing Members
As of 1/25/2021
  • Dairy Queen Grill & Chill
  • Hometown Florist & Yesterday’s Decor
  • Open Arms of Blue Ridge
  • Isaiah House, Inc.
  • JF Maxwell Heating & Air
  • Mountain Maddie Homes / Ronald & Maxine Mullis
  • Sharp Mountain Vineyards
  • Circuit World / C & C TV, Inc
  • First Baptist Church of Ellijay
Don’t forget to advertise your job openings on the Gilmer Chamber website! Click here to get your opening in front of the right candidates.
Gilmer Chamber | 706-635-7400 | [email protected] |

Start 2021 off Right

Gilmer County Chamber
Register Today 2021 Virtual Annual Meeting
This year, we’re bringing you all the fun of the Gilmer Chamber Annual Meeting from any destination you choose! You won’t want to miss our awesome guest speaker, Mark Richt, and the presentation of major awards like the Community Champion Award, Member of the Year, and Business of the Year. Sponsorship opportunities are available. Click here for sponsorship levels and benefits.
Membership Announcements
Renewing Members
As of 12/29/2020
  • State Farm Insurance – Candra Warren
  • Bank OZK
  • Squiggles
  • Piedmont Heart of Ellijay
  • Green Willow Soap
  • Live the Trail
  • Hootenanny’s Music
Don’t forget to advertise your job openings on the Gilmer Chamber website! Click here to get your opening in front of the right candidates.

Gilmer County Chamber: Year End Details

Gilmer County Chamber
Merry Christmas from your Gilmer Chamber family! Chamber Bytes will resume on January 4th!
2021 Virtual Annual Meeting
This year, we’re bringing you all the fun of the Gilmer Chamber Annual Meeting from any destination you choose! You won’t want to miss our awesome guest speaker, Mark Richt, and the presentation of major awards like the Community Champion Award, Member of the Year, and Business of the Year. Sponsorship opportunities are available. Click here for sponsorship levels and benefits.
MainStreet Family Care Breaks Ground on East Ellijay Location
Last week our friends at MainStreet Family Care broke ground on their new facility under construction in the Highland Crossing Shopping Area. This new office will include an Urgent Care facility and expects to be open by mid February. Congratulations to the whole MainStreet Family Care family and welcome to Gilmer!
Membership Announcements
Renewing Members
As of 12/18/2020
  • Warren’s Auto Sales, Inc.
  • Hillcrest Orchards
  • King of Kings Lutheran Church
  • Dogwood Apartments
  • Mountain Valley Farm
  • Woodmen Life, Julie Dermer
  • Covenant Community of Ellijay
  • Evergreen Life Services
  • Wisdom Construction
  • Autumn Ridge Community Church
  • Just a Step Away
  • NAPA / Automotive Services of Ellijay
  • Spivey’s Body Shop, Inc.
Don’t forget to advertise your job openings on the Gilmer Chamber website! Click here to get your opening in front of the right candidates.
Gilmer Chamber | 706-635-7400 | [email protected] |

And the Guest Speaker is…

Gilmer County Chamber
Our Zoom Annual Meeting to be held on January 21, 2021 is sure to be a hit with Chamber updates, membership and community awards, and a special keynote speech by College Football Coaching Icon Mark Richt.
Registrants have a choice to register for the meeting only ($15/per person) or register for the meeting with meal delivery ($25/per person). If you select meal delivery, please contact (706) 635-7400 for menu options and delivery preferences. Attendees will be sent the log on link for the meeting at a later date.
We expect individuals both from the chamber community and outside of it to tune in for our awesome program and keynote speaker. This is the perfect opportunity to get your business out in front of the community! Please click the link below for sponsorship details. E-mail [email protected] or call (706) 635-7400 to sponsor.
We can’t wait for you to tune in for the 2021 Annual Meeting!

Give a Little, Get a Little

Gilmer County Chamber

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