GHS honored twice for AP Honor School and a student as Georgia Scholar


EAST ELLIJAY, Ga. – Gilmer Schools has reason to celebrate this week as Gilmer High School was honored by the state as 1 of 239 Advanced Placement (AP) Honor Schools from 88 LEAs that State School Superintendent Richard Woods named earlier this week for 2022.

The 2022 AP Honor Schools are named in eight categories, based on the results of 2021 AP courses and exams. AP exams are administered by the College Board, which also administers the SAT. AP courses are one of several ways Georgia students can access college-level learning at the high school level; students who receive a 3, 4, or 5 on an AP exam may receive college credit. ‘

The category that Gilmer High School was honored for was AP STEM Schools. Schools named to this category must have a minimum of five students testing in at least four AP STEM courses. (AP Calculus AB, AP Calculus BC, AP Statistics, AP Biology, AP Chemistry, AP Environmental Science, AP Physics 1, AP Physics 2, AP Physics C, AP Computer Science A, AP Computer Science Principles).

This is an annual recognition for schools as the GaDOE began recognizing AP Honor Schools in 2008.

State Superintendent Richard Woods stated,  “We are committed to expanding opportunities for Georgia students, including in advanced and accelerated coursework. I offer my sincere congratulations to each of this year’s AP Honor Schools, and thank each teacher, student, and school leader who worked hard to create strong AP opportunities in these Georgia schools.”


Kinsleigh Purvis, Gilmer High School’s 2022 Salutatorian, 2022 PAGE STAR Student, and 2022 Georgia Scholar.

Gilmer Schools also offered congratulations to GHS and all of its AP students and AP teachers. However, their is one student among the high school who is being honored specifically as another annual recognition was presented by Woods recently, the 2022 Georgia Scholars.

GHS honored one of its students in February of this year as the 2022 PAGE STAR Student. That student is Kinsleigh Purvis. She is the daughter of Steven and Kara Purvis of Talking Rock, Georgia. As the PAGE STAR Student, she named former Mathematics teacher Ashley Stover as her STAR teacher at the time. Now, Purvis is still achieving more in here senior year at GHS as she is among Superintendent Woods’ 2022 Georgia Scholars.

According to Georgia State Department of Education, a total of 216 graduating seniors from across Georgia have been recognized as 2022 Georgia Scholars. Through the Georgia Scholar program, the Georgia Department of Education identifies and honors high school seniors who have achieved excellence in school and community life. Georgia Scholars are students who carried exemplary course loads during their four years of high school, performed excellently in all courses, successfully participated in interscholastic events at their schools and in their communities, and assumed leadership roles in extracurricular activities sponsored by their schools. Each Georgia Scholar receives a seal for their diploma as well.

Gilmer Schools Superintendent Dr. Brian Ridley stated, “I offer my sincere congratulations to Kinsleigh on her designation as a 2022 Georgia Scholar. As our class of 2022 salutatorian and STAR student, it is obvious that she is an impressive young lady with a bright future ahead of her. We are extremely proud of her achievements.”

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