Pool construction bid could come by August


ELLIJAY, Ga. – Among several bid and contract agenda items in July, the BOC heard an update that the engineering is completed and they could call for bids on the county pool by August.

As the county is ready to bid, they currently have the documentation with County Attorney David Clark who said that he has some final touches to do but the county should be able to move forward in the bid process on or close to Wednesday, July 27, 2022.

Clark also informed the Board of Commissioners that the bids will go out in several different sites both locally and statewide including the state procurement website and utilizing the architect to help solicit contractors in addition to the county’s efforts.

The commissioners have previously made statements aiming for Memorial Day 2023 as opening day for the new pool. Also, the BOC’s October Budget Sessions will reveal more about the pool’s future as the board discusses additional upgrades, buildings, the future rec-center, and funding or savings for those potential projects and if they will happen in the coming year.

In addition to the pool, the county also dealt with bids on HVAC and facilities in the July session. The county approved to collect quotes for the Jail air system and the Learning Center but then bid out other systems that needed repair. With changes since the last bid process, the bids came in higher than expected as the county is incorporating them into a computer control system. The county avoided a bid do to requests for pre-payment and went with a slightly higher base price bid. The approved bid was for QT Contracting for $785,777.

The Jail system is still looking for a second quote and the Learning Center was approved for a quote just under $20,000.

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