Injustice Personified
Opinion December 14, 2018I’m dumbstruck when I consider all the money authorized and wasted by the Republican
controlled congress over the past two years, on the baseless Trump-Russia collusion fallacy
when the low hanging fruit of the Clinton’s RICO reeking cabal that is Bill and Hillary’s self
sustaining charitable foundation offers such low hanging fruit so ripe for the picking that even
the most incompetent federal prosecutor, even one with a mail order degree, could win.
The avowed criminal, former FBI Director James Comey, by his own admission, is one of those
low hanging fruits ready for easy harvesting. He should be a “slam-dunk” for prosecution. So is
Andy McCabe and Peter Strzok, Bruce Orr and the several previously disgraced attorneys
serving on Mueller’s team of Trump hating investigators. (Sen Stevens R-AK)
Now that Pelosi and her stable of mindless idiot socialists are soon to take over the House, the
GOP has finally decided, in its last three weeks of existence, to consider the crimes of the
Clinton Foundation ignored by the DoJ, and investigate ‘em themselves. It’s all Nonsense!
Pushed for time the GOP has now decided they had better look like they are doing something to
appease the base. But remember, most of these people are still part of the “uni-party’ that is the
deep state, many of them still hate Donald Trump.
Taking down the Clintons should be easy via her foundation. Hillary, the driving force of her
foundation’s corruption, unfortunately, lacks the people skills that should keep the little people
under her, the now mass of whistleblowers coming forward, from turning “states evidence” and
dropping a dime. Many have physical evidence proving her corruption and now we learn that
one whistleblower has been the recipient of a late night FBI search warrant. Why was that? He
already gave them everything he had. It was to shut him and other whistleblowers up.
The mafia does that for their own security except they don’t take chances; the whistleblower is
usually killed publicly, for all to see so that other witnesses will readjust their commitment to law
and order. Right now, a bunch of former Clinton employees, State Dept. employees and others,
who Hillary held in contempt as simply “little people,” servants beneath her dignity, are ready to
dump on her. So, let’s get it going.
The former senior executive levels of the FBI, Director James Comey, and his associates,
considered themselves sacrosanct when it comes to enforcing the law of the United States,
except when the law interferes with their own needs. At the moment, they want Trump out of
office before they lose everything and, hiding behind the facade of counterintelligence, they set
about fabricating a case against Donald Trump, because he won and their favorite, Hillary
Clinton, didn’t. That is injustice personified and corruption at its most apparent.
One of their early targets was Trumps National Security advisor, Lt. Gen. Flynn, former Director
of the DIA, with a distinguished thirty-year army career. Through ruse and subterfuge, they
tricked the general into making statements, not under Miranda warning, that they claimed were
lies. Lying to the FBI constitutes a serious crime if nothing else can be proven. It now appears
the Federal judge involved in the Flynn case has serious doubts about the FBI’s handling of the
Flynn case. Flynn pled ‘guilty’ just to avoid bankruptcy but, none the less, he was left near
destitute, in penury. That’s injustice personified. What do we learn from this tawdry business?
Stay out of politics? Perhaps! Trust the judiciary to do the right thing or absolutely never, ever
speak to or trust the FBI? All apply.
Remember, Liberty is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em! (13Dec18)
Collins Discusses Abedin Email Revelation with Fox News
State & National January 4, 2018ICYMI: Collins Discusses Abedin Email Revelation with Fox News
WASHINGTON—Rep. Doug Collins (R-Ga.) joined Fox News today to unpack the latest developments surrounding the Russia investigation and the revelation that Secretary Clinton’s Deputy Chief of Staff, Huma Abedin, shared classified information over a private email account.
On whether any evidence shows collusion in the Russia investigation:
“I think what we’ve seen is none at this point. . . . Let the investigation go. If somebody did something wrong, we’ve always said those should be held accountable.”
“The frustration here is ‘What are we actually going for?’ The president has got an agenda to move American forward . . . we need to focus on what really matters, and, look, Democrats are just simply playing politics with this issue again.”
“Let’s see where the facts lead. This is something that’s been investigated. It’s being investigated—not only through the Mueller investigation, if there’s a Russian connection—but it’s also being investigated on Capitol Hill, both in the Senate and in the House.”
On the revelation that Huma Abedin shared State Department information over a private e-mail account:
“Democrats can say it’s partisan, but I’m just simply saying, ‘What is the law?’ and you can’t be in a position that Hillary Clinton was in or Huma Abedin was in and actually be in a position to say, ‘Oops, I just didn’t know—Oops, it was careless.’ No, it was gross negligence.”
Short Takes – The DoJ and FBI, What’s Next?
Opinion January 9, 2018The DOJ and the FBI…What’s Next?
Mueller’s Trump-Russia collusion investigation is all but dead. For all the months of investigation by Clinton partisan investigators at vast taxpayer expense, all they has to show for it is a miserable tally of petty offenses (lying to FBI agents), that have nothing to do with the “collusion with Russia” allegations that cost Hillary her expected post as America’s first female President.
The media coverage of President Trump is so negative that a weaker man than Trump would have wilted under that assault long ago. If Trump had conspired with Russia to steal the election from Hillary, the media would have found evidence of it early on. They didn’t and neither could Mueller. Congress could end the nonsense by simply defunding the Special Counsel, unless of course, Mueller found culpable evidence that the Hillary campaign and the DNC were, in fact, colluding with the Russians and moved on it. Oh, the humanity!
Exactly, what keeps this collusion story alive after a year of failures? It’s the dysfunctional Democrats and hysterical media who, in the face of facts to the contrary, conspire to keep their hopes for a socialist win alive. For them now, Hillary is a dead horse so it’s the issue of collusion that must be pursued. How they did that was to create, by their own hand, a bogus dossier, allegedly an opposition research report, circulate it among their DoJ and FBI syncopates, the NYT and Sen. John McCain, to give it credence, and blow the flames into a conflagration sure to burn the Trump Presidency into ashes. “Why, it’s a matter of “national security” so we must obtain a phony FISA warrant to spy on Trump, his family and associates.” Then, activate the deep state inbreds to create leaks, and watch the ship of state sink. Nope!
Many of Obama’s agency heads and upper level management, working together, could create much damage. Because they failed to undermine the shocking election result, the collusion story was concocted to justify a special counsel, staffed with Obama’s imbeds and prevent discoveries that were inimical to their case by revealing Hillary’s actual involvement.
I suspect the corruption of the FBI and DoJ started as early as the Clinton’s time in Arkansas, involving Hillary’s Whitewater land deal and the Rose Law firm investigations. By the time the Clintons finished their first term in the White House, the corruption was complete and cronies firmly in place to prevent possible backlashes to the Clinton’s criminal enterprise. The unravelling of that nest of crooks reveals a complicated list of characters all worthy of trial and imprisonment. They could start with former A.G. Eric Holder and his bogus Fast and Furious gun running operation that actually cost lives, both American and Mexican. His “hands up, don’t shoot,” program, plus the Clinton Foundation Pay to Play scheme and the Uranium One deal, among other crimes. All were ignored by then FBI Director Mueller.
Attorney General Loretta Lynch met secretly, she thought, with Bill Clinton on an Arizona airport tarmac ahead of the election, directing FBI director Comey to exculpate Hillary Clinton over “gross negligence” charges in her handling of classified emails when she was Secretary of State. James Comey, as FBI director, tied himself into knots trying to BS the American public about why Hillary would not be prosecuted.
While her campaign, it was learned, actually paid for the phony dossier, her potential power as President, was enough to move the DoJ and FBI to present the dossier as a worthwhile intelligence report sufficient to call for a domestic counterintelligence effort. Who approved it?
Well, lurking in the center of his web of intrigue, alert to every nuance from the connecting fibers of his network sat the one person responsible, aloof and uninvolved, but culpable because nothing worked without his knowledge or direction. It was President, Barack Obama. He alone is responsible.
No one in government would have dared behave as they did without the tacit approval of Barack Obama. His underlings knew exactly what he wanted, what was needed and performed accordingly, without the paper trail of potential accusation implicating him. Obama’s two attorney generals, his FBI director, his Commissioner of the IRS, and all the other agency heads served at his pleasure.
The corruption was visible, but the protections were too. Mueller’s feeble attempt to bring closure to Trump’s presidency has opened the door to exposure and let in the fresh disinfecting light of truth, revealing all. Let’s hope the new administration can act on it, without fear.
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em! (06Jan18)
BKP’s Opening Today – Why Did Donna Brazile Mention Seth Rich in her Book ?
FYNTV, GMFTO November 6, 2017In BKP’s opening monologue today he discussed the following issues:
Do you have a Risk Assessment for your church?
26 killed at a First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs, Texas on Sunday. Why is the media is not talking about the shooter? Maybe he was an atheist connected to the leftist Antifa movement who supported Democratic candidates. Instead they are discussing mental illness, saying Republicans caused this and we must do something about semi-automatic weapons/gun legislation. America don’t be fooled… They are coming for your guns!!!
In Donna Brazile’s new book “Hacks,” she discusses security fears as the DNC Chair. What was she in fear of? Why did she even mention Seth Rich in her book? Could Brazile’s new book begin to connect the dots between Imran Awan, former DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Seth Rich. Is Hillary Clinton finally going to be exposed!?!
The real reason the Trump campaign hired Paul Manafort – Does anyone remember the Republican brokered convention of 1976 between Ronald Reagan and Gerald Ford?
Short Takes – The Unraveling Clinton Scandal
Opinion November 3, 2017The Unraveling of the Clinton Collusion
One can’t help but wonder if the deadly jihadist attack yesterday in NYC, was not a diversion to take our eyes off the Mueller/Comey/Manafort/DNC Collusion with the Russians operetta now unfolding in Washington DC. Maybe the Russian Facebook controversy was supposed to do that. In any event, they still haven’t tied Trump to any criminal offense involving the Russians, but with Hillary Clinton and her RICO machine they have. Where’s the cavalry when needed?
Muller, the Democrats ‘Torquemada’ as it were, is applying the squeeze, a technique long known to government interrogators to apply to low level nobody’s, encouraging them to “rat out” their superiors. The method was perfected long ago by the interrogators of the Spanish Inquisition and, when applied to an offenders genitalia, it works to extract even more damaging admissions, even if they don’t exist. “Confess now, avoid the rush.”
That Mueller is even involved in this investigation against Trump, is painful, especially with his Democrat background as well as adding all Clinton donors to his investigative staff. It could even rebound against him when he least expects it. Comey, who replaced Mueller as FBI Director, did the unthinkable, he involved himself in a task that the Attorney General, Loretta Lynch, should have done, pass judgement on whether Hillary Clintons treasonous email debacle was triable as a high crime or misdemeanor against the security of the United States, or not.
Comey’s arrogant action, relieving Hillary of criminal culpability, opened the door to ambitious underlines in the higher ranks of the FBI (McCabe) and DOJ, (Rosenstein) to bring him down. Comey made a serious ‘faux Pas,’ and it is now comes to light that Rosenstein told Andrew McCabe that he was thinking of recommending to the president that Comey be replaced. Before he made such a decision, he wanted McCabe’s opinion of Comey’s handling of his job. Well, McCabe took that opportunity to stick a knife in Comey’s back by agreeing that Comey should be removed. This is all like a TV soap opera. Keep in mind, these are all unelected bureaucrats, real deep-state swamp dwellers who’s whole ambition is to remain at the apogee of power and work together to destroy Trump’s presidency. They will keep trying, won’t they?
These people are despicable, pious, self-serving hypocrites. Their jobs are sinecures that serves to enrich them at the expense of stupid elected politicians. It’s impossible to not have these bottom-feeders worm their way into all levels of government, and it screams for the corrective action that comes with mandatory transfers, much like the military does within its ranks every three or four years. It keeps the pot stirred.
The aura of conflict of interest here is unmistakable. Our Congress does the usual, nothing, except coalesce against the one man that actually wants to drain the swamp. Mueller, Comey, McCabe & Rosenstein are all way too deeply involved in this political mess to be able to fix it. The Media is protecting democrat corruption while trying to destroy Republicans who flail about in a vain attempt to save themselves. Republicans are either too stupid or too cowardly, or corrupt, to do anything about it. They can only continue to disrespect their base, rail against Trumps aggressive style of political combat and help the Democrats obstruct Trumps agenda.
It cannot be denied that the tone of the Russia debacle is changing rapidly. We hear less about collusion and more about the Russian Facebook ads because, even after one year’s worth of investigations, no evidence has emerged to support Trump’s collusion, indeed he is likely to be vindicated. Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em! (01Nov2017)
The Clinton Saga Continues
Opinion October 31, 2017The Clinton Saga Continues
The Clinton’s years of association with big cash donors aside, many now being outed as sexual predators, pedophiles and rapists, the Clinton’s actual collusion with the Russians, as compared to what they claim Trump did, is becoming a point of fact, not a phony $6 million dossier filled with rumors, lies and innuendos.
Uranium ore now becomes center to our Clinton story with implications that have revealed Obama’s government to be despotic and its citizens targets. The implications extend far beyond the money grubbing underway by greedy politicians from special interests, it is the unbridled and unconstitutional power of government to seize private property and kill to do it.
I am referring to the standoff last year between the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), Oregon State Police and local law enforcement, pitted against the Hammond family ranch at Burns, Oregon that involved other concerned citizens as protesters occupying the Malheur Game Refuge. The government’s siege of the park gave the story legitimacy while the back story was ignored. It’s a dark story indeed.
Recall that the BLM lost public’s approval when they were forced to stand down in their attempt to seize the property of the Bundy Ranch in Nevada on piddling allegations that Bundy’s cattle were illegally grazing on open range, government (BLM) land. Oh, woe! It was reported then that Senate majority leader, Harry Reid (D-Nv) wanted the land to resell to a solar power company, supposedly to advance Obama’s green energy scheme and to help defray the cost of his retirement. Maybe!
Apart from the fact that some armed Bundy Ranch supporters went to Burns, Ore. to assist the Hammond’s in what appears to be another trumped-up case to allow the BLM to seize the their ranch, what is the connection? It’s uranium, and is a scandal that could take down the Clintons once and for all.
The Hill broke the story as far back as 2009. Clinton, as Secretary of State, approved the sale of 20% of American uranium to Russia through a Canadian businessman, a big donor to the Clinton Foundation. He was representing a Russian front Canadian mining business called Uranium one. The FBI was investigating the proposed deal and successfully inserted an undercover agent who has subsequently been gagged from even talking to Congress about it.
The Obama administration and the Clintons (Bill Clinton received a half million dollars for delivering a speech in Moscow) defended their actions insisting there was no evidence that any Russians or donors engaged in wrongdoing and there was no national security reason for any member of congress to oppose the Uranium One deal. The deal was clear and above board said Clinton’s State Department. But was it?
The Hill reported that documents from the FBI, the Department of Energy and a Federal Court shows the FBI in fact had gathered substantial evidence that Russian businessman Vadim Mikerin was engaged in wrongdoing starting in 2009, well before the committee’s decision and, was, in fact, overseeing Putin’s nuclear expansion inside the United States.
Where is this uranium? It’s in Burns, Oregon. To quote the source: “The central part of the Malheur Refuge Protest was the Hammond family, and their ranch outside of Burns, Oregon. Dwight and Steven Hammond were ordered to return to prison by the Federal government over a small range backfire. They had previously served out the sentence reluctantly imposed on them by Judge Hogan.” “During the court preceding the Hammond’s were forced to grant the BLM first right of refusal. If the Hammond’s ever sold their ranch they would have to sell it to the BLM.” “It was during this turbulent time that the political implications of Uranium One were shouted out over the internet.“ (not the main stream media, note.)
Source: INTELLIHUB: “Clinton Foundation took massive payoffs, promised Hammond Ranch and other publicly owned lands to Russians along with one-fifth of our uranium ore.” ”The Hammond’s ranch and other ranch lands surrounding the refuge sit atop a vast swath of precious metals, minerals, and uranium that’s heavily desired by not only the federal government but foreign entities as well.”
“Oregon Energy, L.L.C. (formally Uranium One) is interested in developing a 17-Claim parcel of land known as the Aurora Project through an open pit mining method. Besides the mine, there would be a processing mill. The claim area occupies about 450 acres and is also referred to as the “New U” uranium claims.”
Source: News-Target also reported: “Massive Cover-up. BLM leases Hammond ranch land to Russia through donors to the Clinton Foundation for its uranium. Evidence has surfaced that the BLM has been taking land with plans to lease it to Clinton Foundation donors.”
“Russia gradually gained control of Uranium One, a major Russian mining company, in three separate transactions from 2009 to 2013, while Hillary Clinton served as Secretary of State. Canadian records reveal that the company’s chairman used his own family foundation to make four donations to the Clinton Foundation during that time, resulting in a sum contribution of $2.35 million. Secretary Clinton approved the deal for Russia soon after her family’s slush fund received the donations. Now, Vladimir Putin controls 20 percent of all uranium production capacity in the U.S.”
The previous data was as indicated, copied from open sources. The Burns, Oregon refuge siege incident, that included the murder of one protester at a police checkpoint, was another blatant example of a corrupt (Marxist leaning) government running rough-shod over its citizens, for the financial benefit of one of its “elites” (the Clintons).
Americans are wising up and are getting sick and tired of it. The Federal government, with a One World Government attitude in the hands of corrupt politicians lining their pockets with taxpayer dollars, must come to an end. Throw in the Clinton’s cozy connections with Hollywood’s “A- List” of pedophilia admirers and the corruption and criminality of our political leaders in the Obama administration becomes clearer.
It’s time for term limits to be seriously considered as a corrective to career politicians whose entire reason to exist is to gain personal wealth off the unsuspecting American taxpayer, American security and sovereignty be damned. Trump is their main danger.
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em! (27Oct2017)
Interview with Candidate for GA Secretary of State, Josh McKoon
Politics, State & National July 10, 2017GA State Senator, (R) Josh McKoon, has announced he will be running for Secretary of State in the upcoming election. In his interview this morning McKoon states that one of his primary focuses will be to safeguard the state’s future elections. He believes that because the voting machines are due to be replaced soon that if up to him he would consider going back to the optical scan type of voting machines rather than the electronic ones used now. This would lessen the chances of malfunctions, data issues and hacking abilities. Senator McKoon, if elected would like to work more with small business owners and individuals with aspirations of starting their own company. Lastly McKoon states if elected, he would like to implement an open online database where the tax payers can go to this site and see exactly how their tax money is being spent.
Ask The Doc with Dr. Whaley – olive oil, finger nail grooves, & ocular migraines
Health July 7, 2017Dr. Whaley always comes to tell us the latest in health, ask our viewer questions and talk politics with BKP on Fridays. Today they discussed politics, the President’s speech in Poland, concussions, and our viewer questions. This week’s viewer questions were:
1) What is an ocular migraine? Is it a sign of something serious?
2) If olive oil is high in fat, why is it considered healthy?
3) Are nail ridges in fingernails cause for concern?
We would like to thank the Georgia Cancer Specialist for sponsoring this segment.
Former FBI Director James Comey Fired by President Trump – Announcement Brings Chuck Schumer to Tears
Politics May 10, 2017President Donald Trump accepted the recommendation from Assistant Deputy Attorney General Rod J. Rosenstein and Attorney General Jeff Sessions to remove James Comey from his position as FBI Director. Many Democrats like Senator Chuck Schumer are asking “Why now?”
Democrats continue to reference Comey as the man leading the investigation concerning the Russians. Maybe they forgot that the FBI is an entire agency and can continue investigations without James Comey. A year after the fact, no one has any evidence of a direct connection between Donald Trump and the Russian government.
On July 5th, in a statement Comey said there was evidence of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton handling classified information but he could not prove her intent. Democrat Senators and the media say Comey’s firing resemble the famous “Saturday night massacre” by President Richard Nixon. This is where President Nixon fired Watergate special prosecutor Archibald Cox. In the show today BKP explained how there is nothing about Watergate that resembles Donald Trump firing James Comey.
We also look at the coincidence that President Bill Clinton fired FBI Director, William Sessions, on July 19th and Deputy White House Counsel Vince Foster’s body was found in Fort Marcy park on July 20th.
The bottom line is President Donald Trump fired Comey because he was no longer effective and able to run the agency. “The Director of the FBI must be someone who follows faithfully the rules and principles of the Department of Justice and who sets the right example for our law enforcement officials and others in the Department. Therefore I must recommend that you remove Director James B. Comey, Jr. and identify an experienced and qualified individual to lead the great men and women of the FBI.” – Attorney General Jeff Session
All the Sunday Morning Shows Pursued the Russian Ties to Trump’s Campaign – Never Mentioning Farkas
Politics April 3, 2017ABC’s Martha Raddatz, Fox’s Chris Wallace, NBC’s Chuck Todd, and CBS’s John Dickerson all clearly exposed their liberal agenda this weekend concerning Russia and the possible ties to the Trump campaign. While some briefly discussed the topic of surveillance and unmasking of Donald Trump and members of his campaign team they continued to circle back to alleged Russian ties to the Trump campaign. Not one mention of the bombshell revelation concerning surveillance by Fox New’s Adam Housely. Housely reports sources with evidence of high up official(s) in the intelligence community that Trump and his campaign team were under surveillance even before he was became a nominee. It seems to be all four missed the revelations in the Evelyn Farkas interview with MSNBC’s Mika Brzezinski. Farkas was a Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defence for the Obama Administration. Farkas admits to Brzezinski that there was surveillance. Farkas’ admission, “That the Tump folks, if they found out how we knew about… the Trump staff’s dealing with Russia, that they would try to compromise those sources and methods.” It seems to be that the media is more interested in a story with no evidence concerning Russia, opposed to stories that could prove the accusations. With plenty of inculpatory evidence they completely overlook “the Clinton cash” or John and Tony Podesta.
Behind President Donald Trump, Son-In-Law Jared Kushner and Daughter Ivanka Trump, Most Powerful People in West Wing of White House
Featured, Politics April 10, 2017Rumors continue to swirl around the West Wing that Chief Political Advisor to the President, Steve Bannon and Chief of Staff, Reince Priebus may be on the way out. Bannon seems to battle on the daily basis with Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner. On the other hand rumors swirl that Chief of Staff, Reince Priebus, may be on the way out and could be replaced with Gary Cohen. It is no secret that Cohen is a Democrat in Trump’s White House. Manhattan liberals including Cohen, Kushner and Ivanka Trump seem to have taken over the West Wing of the White House. In this segment we look at the increase of Jewish influence in the West Wing while people like Kellyanne Conway, Priebus and Bannon get moved aside.
Republicans run the risk of losing The House in 2018 if Bannon, Priebus and Conway are gone from Trump’s Administration. The three are largely responsible for Trump’s Nationalist America First Agenda that brought rural Americans in record numbers to the polls.
After the chemical weapons strike in Syria, by President Bashar al-Assad, President Donald Trump responded by launching 59 tomahawk missiles. The internet world is abuzz with multiple opinions of what really happened:
- Donald Trump sold out to the capitalists.
- The Russians set up the chemical attack so Donald Trump would look good when he retaliated. This would help to show Trump did not have ties to Vladimir Putin.
- The rebels in Syria staged the attack in order to make it look like Assad gassed his own people to get the U.S. involved.
- Dark State/ Globalist/ Council on Foreign Relations.
These are just a few, among many, of the theories that are being used to explain what happened.
Does President Donald Trump have a master plan for peace in the Middle East that includes regime change in Syria? Is it a coincidence that President Trump first met with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, then meets with Saudi Arabia’s Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, followed by King Abdullah II of Jordan, and lastly Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi? Immediately after Trump finalizes meetings with these Middle Eastern countries, Syrian President launches a chemical attacks that the U.S. responds to – Coincidence?
Is Regime Change in Syria on the Table for The Trump Administration
Featured, Politics April 11, 2017The world is waiting to hear the details from meetings between U.S. Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson and his Russian counterpart, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. Last week President Bashar al-Assad launched a chemical attack on his own people. President Donald Trump responded swiftly by sending 59 tomahawk missiles to hit the air base that Assad used to launch the chemical attack. Russia has troops and military equipment stationed on the airfield hit by the tomahawk missiles.
This obviously has escalated tensions between the two countries than the Cold War era. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov called the strike on Syria an aggressive act against a sovereign state and violated International Law. Russia and Iran along with other Syrian allies vowed to retaliate against any further strike against Syria. Although Russia denied any knowledge of the gas attack; U.S. Intelligence claims Russia was aware of Assad’s intentions to use chemical weapons.
Recent comments from U.S. UN Secretary, Nikki Haley followed up by Rex Tillerson, leaves many to wonder if The Trump Administration just retaliated for the gas attack or is planning regime change. Tillerson, before leaving to meet Lavrov, made several statements that may lead many to believe that regime change is the only option that Trump will accept.
“It is clear to all of us that the reign of the Assad family is coming to an end,”
“But the question of how that ends and the transition itself could be very important in our view to the durability, the stability inside of a unified Syria.”
“That’s why we are not presupposing how that occurs,”
“We want to relieve the suffering of the Syrian people. Russia can be a part of that future and play an important role,”
“Or Russia can maintain its alliance with this group, which we believe is not going to serve Russia’s interests longer term.”
Tillerson’s quotes obviously state Assad needs to leave along with what I would perceive as an ultimatum for Russia.
Also in our opening monologue today we discuss the tension with North Korea. While we wait to see how China will respond the U.S. is sending the USS Aircraft Carrier Carl Vinson toward the Korean peninsula. Trump has no other choice but to handle this situation considering North Korea’s threats of nuclear attack on America’s western cities.
Opening Monolouge – Don’t Miss Our Special, President Trump’s First 100 Days
Politics April 3, 2017We are certain that all the media outlets will do a hit piece on Trump’s first 100 days. We are sure it will not be full of his accomplishments but instead a day of reminding the American people that allegedly Trump has ties to Russia. You don’t want to miss our DJT’s 100 days special, where we will actually take the time to highlight the President’s accomplishments and the deep state’s attempt to try to destroy his presidency.
Trump’s Air Strike on Syria Puts the World on Notice
Featured, Politics April 7, 2017In Friday’s Opening Monologue #BKP talks about the difference in the response concerning Syria using chemical weapons of President Barack Obama and President Donald Trump. In one air strike did Donald Trump return the U.S. to it’s World Leader Status and put ISIS, North Korea, Russia, and China on notice. The American superpower is back!
Intel Committee Chair, Devin Nunes, Holds Press Conference to Discuss Trump Tower Under Surveillance
Politics March 23, 2017We asked the question several days ago, If former President Barack Obama, was involved in the accusations of the surveillance of Trump Tower. Yesterday, House Committee Chairman, Devin Nunes, went to brief President Trump about surveillance of the President’s Transition Team and even possibly The President. One of Nunes’ major concerns is the un-masking the names of American Citizens. The biggest worry the Democrats have and the Barack Obama’s defense team (The National Media), is the possible un-masking that Obama was involved.
Click the link below to watch part one of this segment.
Part One: Do You Think Former President Barack Obama was Involved in the Surveillance of Trump Tower